Top 10 List of British Events in WWII

  • Britain Declares War on Germany

    Britain Declares War on Germany
    Britain declares war after Germany invades Poland.
  • Neville Chamberlain Resigns & Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister

    Neville Chamberlain Resigns & Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister
    Winston Churchill took over for Neville Chamberlain and led as a strong Prime Minister during peak war years.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany holds air raids across Britain bombing major cities.
  • End of German Blitz over London

    End of German Blitz over London
    Ended the bombing of cities across England as Hitler shifted focus to the Eastern Front.
  • Britain Declares War on Japan

    Britain Declares War on Japan
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbour Britain declares War on Japan
  • Montgomery's Victory at El-Alamein

    Montgomery's Victory at El-Alamein
    German defeat in Africa brought about by British commander Bernard Montgomery
  • British Invasion of Italy

    British Invasion of Italy
    British 8th Army invaded into Italy and ended Italy's campaign in WWII
  • Battle of Sword Beach

    Battle of Sword Beach
    Britain's landing at Normandy.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Germany's last attempt to push through allied forces, British defended the northern flank.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Germany surrenders, end of war in Europe.