
Top 10 American Independence

  • Pilgrims sign Mayflower Compact

    Pilgrims sign Mayflower Compact
    First American self-governing document. When the colonists first sailed to Virginia.
  • Abany Congress says for the colonies to unite

    Abany Congress says for the colonies to unite
    It was the first important concept of seeing the colonies as a complete whole under one government of their own device.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    first direct tax on the American colonies. Gave them a push to war.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Colonists got sick of british troops and the townshend acts. A group of them started throwing stuff and yelling insults at British troops.The soldiers shot into the crowd and killed some colonists.
    After countless tensions and conflicts with the British soldiers-and Britain in general, the colonists decided to fight back.
  • The burning of the Gaspee

    The burning of the Gaspee
    While the colonies were trying to be independent in their own land, the British tried to maintain control over them by having ships in the harbor to catch american ships with illegal stuff and give them illegal taxes. finally the colonist cornered the gaspee a main ship and burned it down. This was yet another act of americans fighting injustice.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonist dumped tea into the Harbor, in protest to the British taxes on it.
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    They were representatives from each state except Georgia that got together to dicuss how to assert their independence from Britain.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The first war between the Colonists and Britian. The Colonists won and Britian retreated, reasuring the Colonists and making their intentions very clear.
  • Paul Revere's midnight ride

    Paul Revere's midnight ride
    Along with another guy, Paul, set out to warn Hancock and Adams that the British were advancing to steal weapons from Concord and to arrest them. ps. (he didn't yell "the British are coming," because his mission was secretive)
  • Signing of The Declaration of Independence

    Signing of The Declaration of Independence
    The Declartion declared America independent from Britian, therefore establishiing America's "Fourth Of July".