Toowoombas History

By mdeem1
  • 6 June- Allan Cunningham discovered the Darling Downs.

  • Patrick Leslie arrived in Australia

  • 20 March- Patrick Leslie arrived at the junction of Sandy Creek (later named) and the Condamine River.

  • 4 June- Leslie’s main party arrived at Leslie’s crossing on the Condamine River about 8km below what became Toolburra Station.

  • 4 June- Leslie’s main party arrived at Leslie’s crossing on the Condamine River about 8km below what became Toolburra Station.

  • Sept- Arthur Hodgson and Gilbert Elliot made contact with the NSW government at Moreton Bay via a track through Cunningham’s Gap. They had ridden from their station, Etonvale (at Mt Rubieslaw)

  • October- Joe Archer, the bullocky, and Gilbert Elliot, found that the Cunningham’s Gap road was far too steep for

  • 7 Oct- Lieutenant Gorman, Commandant of the Moreton Bay Settlement, left the settlement to visit the Darling Downs, led by John Sterry Baker

  • 7 Oct- Lieutenant Gorman, Commandant of the Moreton Bay Settlement, left the settlement to visit the Darling Downs, led by John Sterry Baker

  • 19 Oct- Lieutenant Gorman reached Etonvale Station

  • 19 Oct- Lieutenant Gorman reached Etonvale Station

  • Thomas Alford came to the Darling Downs and established a store on the Leyburn Road leading west. Arthur Hodgson later assisted his move to establish his store at “The Springs”.Hodgson’s Gap was re-opened.

  • Stephen Mehan set up a store at “ The Springs”

  • Stephen Mehan set up a store at “ The Springs”

  • Stephen Mehan set up a store at “ The Springs”

  • Arthur Hodgen and Gilbert Elliot grew wheat at Etonvale

  • William Handcock set up a store at “ The Springs”