Holy sepvhre

Tomb of Christ

  • 30

    Death and Resurrection of Jesus

    In the year AD 30, Jesus was crucified on a cross and was killed. After 3 days of laying dead in a tomb, he rose from the dead, later
    ascending to heaven.
  • 327

    The Tomb Being Found

    In the year 327, Constantine (Roman Empire(reign 306-337)), the first Christian Roman emperor, set out envoys to try and discover the Tomb of Christ. After the envoys had returned they had good news, they had somehow found the Tomb of Christ. Immediately they excavated the area to find the Tomb. Constantine then ordered for a holy church to be built over it
  • 614

    First time destroyed

    The first time the church was destroyed was in 614. It was burned down by the Persians, most likely due to religious reasons.
  • Period: 614 to 1009

    Destroying the Church

    Even though the Roman empire had built this holy church some people had other ideas about the church. The church was destroyed several times since it was built.
  • 615

    First time Rebuilt

    The first time it was rebuilt was by a man named Modestus. He was the head of the monks at the Monastery of Theodosius.
  • 1009

    Second time destroyed

    The second time it was destroyed was by al-Hākim Bī-Amr Allāh again, probably due to religious reasons.
  • 1009

    Second time Rebuilt

    The second time it was rebuilt was by the Byzantine emperor Constantine the 9th Monomachus.
  • Renovation of the Tomb

    In 2016 the National Geographic renovated the Tomb of Christ, due to the Churches poor signs of staying upright. This renovation cost around 4 million dollars and took 9 months to renovate.