I was born in italy. When i was in italy my life wasnt te best. When i was 15 years old my parents lost there job. it was a tough time to make it with very low amounts of money. So we left Italy and came to america so my parents could find jobs. I am writing this autobiograpy to explian my life. -
Packing up to leve for ellis island
we are getting ready to leave for ellis island. We are packing all of the belongings that we can take. We cant take all of our stuf but we can take a couple pairs of clothinig and that is pretty much it. -
on our journey to ellis island
we traveled in a boat named the s.s.carlisse.Our boat took 17 days to get from italy to ellis island. we were travleing and when we got to new york and everyone saw the statue of liberty it went silent. We were all breathless. Evryone said finnaly were here. -
Walking into ellis island
we walked into ellis island and we were waiting in the long line. The line was moveing pretty fast. We finnaly arrived at the medicle examinations. They flipped our eye lids inside out to check for trachoma. After the exams we were finished and walked out throught the kising post. -
finding whare to live in the U.S
we have been wondering whare to live in the U.S. My dad wants to be a farmer. We choose to move to lancaster county. My dad is going to buy a farm. My family likes to live in the country life style. -
life in the U.S
life is good in the U.S. Right now my dad is getting ready for farming. My family is more weathy then we were back in italy. I like living here then back in italy. i Hope i can take my fthers carrer in the future