Nuclear power started
Nuclear power invented. -
Period: to
Tokaimura Nuclear Accident
Ernest Rutherford
In 1902 Ernest Rutherford showed that radioactivity emitted an alpha or beta particle from the nucleus created a different element -
Discovering That This Naturally-radioactive Elements Had a Number of Different Isotopes
In 1911, Frederick Soddy discovered that naturally-radioactive elements had a number of different isotopes. -
Advancement in Nuclear Energy
Otto Hahn showed that the new lighter elements were barium and others which were about half the mass of uranium. Thereby demonstrating that atomic fission had occurred. -
The study of the nucleus of an atom and all of its changes, such as fission.
Nuclear fission is the subdivision of a heavy atomic nucleus such as uranium. In nuclear fission the nucleus of an atom breaks up into two lighter nuclei. ''In 1939, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Hans von Halban, and Lew Kowarski found that several neutrons were emitted in the fission of uranium-235, and this discovery led to the possibility of a self-sustaining chain reaction.'' -
The Soviet Bomb
In 1943, Igor Kurchatov became the director of laboratory No.2 established on the outskirts of Moscow. Where he later would create the bomb. -
The Big Accident
Tokaimura, Japan. The meltdown occurred after to much reactive uranium was added to a purification tank, exposing 35 people to excessive doses of radiation. Four people killed and seven seriously injured. -
How it relates to nuclear chemistry
This important event relates to chemistry because the explosion happened at a nuclear plant and the chemicals had gotten too many atoms which cased too big of a reaction. -
How it relates to the study of radioactive elements
The nuclear plant was using uranium to power it and that relates back to when uranium was discovered in nature. -
The reasons why people care
People care because it was a big accident that changed the course of nuclear energy and how people use it.