Twins Toddlers climbing StairsAr aorund the age of 16 1/2 months, a toddler will be able to climb up the stairs. -
Toddler saying I Love YouBY the 18th month todders are abe to say words and by 24 onths they are able to form phrases. -
Potty Training
potty trainingWhen the toddler reaches 18 months they start to become interested in potty training. This is a huge milestone for the baby. -
(picture from twitter.com)
At the age of 2 years the toddler reaches a miestone where it begins to understnad abstract objects (like the idea of sooner or later). -
OppositesWhen the toddler is around 22 months it starts to understand the concet of opposites. They know the differnce between short and talle.