Todays In History 10/21/13

  • Sep 9, 1000

    Leif Ericson reachs Vinland

    Leif Ericson reachs Vinland
    On thi sday in history Leif Ericson and his crew rech vinland in 1000 A.D.
  • Oct 2, 1492

    King Henry Invades France

    King Henry Invades France
    On this day in history King Henry the 7th of england invades france.
  • Sep 30, 1542

    Gutenberg Bible

    Gutenberg Bible
    The first gutenberg bible was made on this day.
  • Queen of Scots Beheaded

    Queen of Scots Beheaded
    On this day in history the queen of scots was beheaded.
  • Chicago Fire

    Chicago Fire
    On this day in hoistory the great chicago fier burned down 3.3 square miles of buildings and killing hundrends.
  • Boer War Begins

    Boer War Begins
    On this day in history the boer war in south africa begins.
  • First Assembley Line

    First Assembley Line
    Famous Henry Ford invents the first moving assembley line on this day in history.
  • Two Germanys Untie After 45 Years

    Two Germanys Untie After 45 Years
    Two Germanys finally join togetehr after 45 years in this day in history.