
  • First electric toaster

    First electric toaster
    First ever electric toaster, invented by Alan MacMaster in 1893 The toaster suffered a heating problem which eventually caused the coils to become fragile break. Later on in 1909 a man named Albert Marsh invented a Nichrome alloy which stopped the coils from breaking and having heating problems.
  • first toasters available for sale

    first toasters available for sale
    First line of commercially available toasters introduced by General Electrics 1909. Included new Nichrome

  • First pop-up toaster

    First pop-up toaster
    While General Electric built the first electric toaster for the home in 1909, it was 10 years later when Minnesota mechanic Charles Strite created an easy-to-use toaster designed for restaurants. He received his patent for the slice toaster in 1921 and formed the Waters-Genter Company to manufacture his product.
  • The toastmaster

    The toastmaster
    Charles Strite’s company released his redesigned automatic pop-up slice toaster and called it the Toastmaster, a brand still famous today.
  • pre-slice bread

    pre-slice bread
    The Continental Baking Company began selling sliced Wonder Bread instead of solid loaves. Previously, sales of Charles Strite’s best toaster were slow, but the uniformly sliced bread became popular, and toaster sales soared.
  • Toasters become common for everyone.

    Toasters become common for everyone.
    During the 1930s, toasters were luxuries; some cost up to $25 (the equivalent of $393 in 2010). Thirty years later, however, the toaster price had dropped, and most families were able to afford one. Toasters were also designed to be more compact during this time period to free up counter space.
  • customized toasters

    customized toasters
    Along with other appliances, toasters were available in painted or wood-grain finishes in addition to popular colors.
  • wider slots toasters

    wider slots toasters
    the 2-slice toaster was manufactured with wider slots, heat-resistant plastic was also used to make toasters more economical.
  • toasters today

    toasters today
    toaster price has dropped enough that you can buy one even on the lowest budget. You can have a black toaster or have a vintage vibe with a retro toaster
  • toasters

    I chose to do a toaster because i was hungry and toast sounded good!