
To Kill a Mockingbird Ch 14 Again and Again

  • Aunt Alexandra talks to Atticus about how Scout and Jem should be raised.

    Aunt Alexandra talks to Atticus about how Scout and Jem should be raised.
    Alexandra talks to Atticus about how Scout and Jem will be raised better if Calpurnia was not around. Atticus stands up to this saying how the children lover her and that he likes how they were raised by her values. He also says that Calpurnia raising them has had no effect on them in the community such as how they act.
  • Some members of the Maycomb community show their dislike of Atticus defending Tom Robinson by saying insulting the family.

    Some members of the Maycomb community show their dislike of Atticus defending Tom Robinson by saying insulting the family.
    Member of the Maycomb community insult the Finch family for Atticus defending Tom Robinson (a negro) in court. They call out Scout and Jem when they see them in town saying "Yonder's some Finches". They do this because Atticus went against the deep hidden social code in Maycomb.