declaration of sundsvall - 1977
this te conference is part of seres of events that began led by the OMS en1977 on primary health care held inALMA- ATA the meetings organized on health promotion in developing countries clarified the importance of health promotion,the third international conference convened under the theme quot in this letter we find the iniquiets that are reflected in the field of health, it is necessary to implement measures to establish social justice. -
Alma ata 1978
this letter considers the urgent need for action by governmentes of all health an development personneñ to protect and promote the health of all peoples of the inequality in health satus in diferent countries to rduce the gap that, exists between developed and developing countries, but we must recognize that governmentes hace obligation to take care of the health of all peoples,health care must be esential based on mehods and technolies is direct to the commitment to promote primary. -
International Conference on Health Promotion
Is to provide each community with the means necessary to improve the health and quality of life of each person group, is to accentuate the social and personal resources to have a healthy lifestyle, there are prerequirements for health is any improvement of this, a stable ecosystem whose objective is to make those conditions favorable to promote health thus seeking equity for all, for this requires the participation of mediators such as: government, health sectors social and economic. -
this letter clearly tells us about the priviate sector thar attender the YAKARTA conference to fully participate in health promotion, this conference called quot crisis of suffering that confronts every population of the world to know the needs of every individual,the private sector plays a full and the government, both in developed and developing countries, to meet the most important thing for themis health, and most importantly for these companies an integrated and holisti. -
Its main objective is crime prevention and criminal justice, creating strategies and forming links with other organizations to combat this factor. good governance and proper management of public affairs and public goods are prerequisites for creating and maintaining an environment in which to prevent and combat crime taking into account the severe consequences of this fact. which is struggling to extract from communities, it is important to promote a culture and integrity for all -
The Nairobi call to action
This is the so-called action of key strategies and commitments for the development of health promotion,meeting.Its main objective is the promotion of health taking into account different strategies such as: training in health promotion, strengthening of health systems, alliances and intersectoral action, community empowerment, health literacy and health behaviors,strategies,motivational activities such as incentives, promotion of healthy living through sport workshops for all people -
declaration of Adelaide
the goverment´s objectives are that all sectors ilclude health and well-being as essential component the formulation of public polices,thisdeclaration stresses the need for a new social contract to advance human development and improve health outcoms, we find health in all policies"that has been developed in esveral countries because it hepls to improve health,welfarey evaluation of policie and servicies.we also find a develoment and strengtrening of the trategy of integration of public policies -
World Health Promotion Conference, Helsinki, Thailand June 10-14, 2013
Based mainly on the promotion of health and the improvement of the quality of life for all people where all people enjoy one of the fundamental rights such as health. Health is not only the responsibility of the health sector, but also of broader political issues. This conference calls on the government to act with transparency and equity in decision-making regarding an effective and coherent policy, ensure effective structures, processes resources, engage other sectors of the government -
Second International Conference on Learning Cities tries to create Learning
strategies to achieve social, political sustainability and economic through factors such as: promoting equitable, egalitarian education that includes vulnerable populations such as: indigenous women, displaced people, victims of conflict, etc. the field of health by providing opportunities for education and lifelong learning that are innovative, diverse and flexible to improve citizens' knowledge and thus be able to achieve “learning cities”