Construction of the Titanic begans. This is where they use the wrong bolts.
They recieved iceburg warnings from other ships. They did not listen.
Lookout Frederick Fleet spotted an iceburg dead ahead, The iceburg struck the Titanic on the right side of her bow.
The Carpathia left the area bound for New York. She had on board 705 survivors of the Titanic.
The lifeboats began loading with women and children first. Then after women and children they let men on.
The last life boat left the ship. There were still people on the ship.They had to jump off.
The last radio message was sent. The captain announed 'Every man for himself'
Several ships were sent to the disaster site to recover bodies. A total of 328 bodies were found floating in the area.
The Titanic's broken off stern settled back into the water, becoming more level for a few moments. Slowly it filled with water and tilted its end high into the air before sinking into the sea. People in the water slowly froze to death.