Start to understand object permanence at 8 months
The first two years: Cognitive -
Begin to experience some separation anxiety when mother leaves
The first two years: Psychosocial -
grow from 7lbs at birth to 22lbs at 22 months
The first two years: Biosocial -
Understand how to gain parental sympathy to protect myself from older sibling
Early Childhood: Cognitive -
Was put in dance class at age 5 and learned to spin and cartwheel
Early Childhood: biosocial -
Begin to have intrinsic motivation to finish school work instead of extrinsic motivation
Early Childhood: Psychosocial -
Developed different stresses - social anxiety, seperation anxiety, loud noises
Middle Childhood: Psychosocial -
Created a complex chart explaining in detail why my family should get a dog. Was able to use logic to get my point across
Middle Childhood: Cognitive -
Increase in physical activity. Loved playing tag outside with neighborhood friends
Middle Childhood: Biosocial -
Became more concerned about how I looked and how others saw me. Began wearing minimal makeup.
Adolescence: Cognitive Development -
Reached max growth height age 14
Adolescence: Biosocial Development -
Peer presure from friends began, drugs, alcohol, sex.
Adolescence: Psychosocial Development -
Began to take better care of my body: exercised more, ate better
Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development -
Had first serious boyfriend
Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development -
Became more practical. Didn't make as many rash decisions and controled my emotions.
Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development -
Find a life partner that is easy to depend on and supports my decisions in life
Adulthood: Psychosocial -
Have children
Adulthood: Biosocial Development -
Retain fluid intelligence despite aging
Adulthood: Cognitive Development -
New neurons form and dendrites grow in the brain as I age, however the growth is slow.
Late adulthood: Cognitive -
Eyesight becomes worse. Ask family to help me out with driving
Late Adulthood: Biosocial -
I go though "integrity versus despair" and find where I fit in in the community. Continue to live a happy healthy life.
Late Adulthood: Psychosocial -
Death at 95 years of age on January 21st, 2109
Epilogue: Death & Dying