Period: to
Prenatal Devolpment & Birth
This was the day I was born, I was born at St. Mary Mercy Hospital. I was 9 lbs. -
The day I was born. I was 9 lbs. I was born at St. Mary Mercy Hospital. I was born 2 weeks early but was helathy. -
Period: to
First Two Years
Including Biosocial, Cognitive and Psychosocial Devolpment -
Biosocial Devolpment - Age 6 months
Instead of gaining weight by the time I was 6 months, I lost weight. I was breastfeed but because I this I had to go on soymilk to start gaining weight. -
Cognitive Devolpment- age 10 months
I started walking. I also spoke my first word around this time which was of course "Mama". -
Psychosocial Development- 10 months old
I had a secure attachment with my mom. Both of my parents worked so we would hang out with my grandparents. I wasn't too nervous around strangers. -
Period: to
Play Years
Includes Biosocial, Cognitive, and Psychosocial Devolpment. -
Cognitive- 5 years old
Parenting style: My parents were authoritative. They were a happy medium and made us feel comfortable enough to talk to him if we had a problem. -
Physchosocial-Age 5
I was the youngest of 4 sibilings for a few years. So I got away with a lot and was babied.When my sister was born, I had to grow up a little bit and realize I wasn't the baby anymore. After a while, I liked how she was like my little doll and I started thinking it was fun. -
Cognitive- 5 years old
I started Kindergarden. I would go half a day. It was great, my mom said I really enjoyed going to school because I made a lot of friends. I learned how to process information. -
Period: to
The School Years
Includes Biosocial, Cognitive and Psychosocial -
Biosocial- 7 years old
Biosocial Devolpment: I started soccer. It was great, I played almost everyday. I also started taking piano lessons and swimming. -
Psychosocial- 10 years old
At Church, I became an alter server and active in the church. It made me devolp self-esteem because I felt good about myself. -
Biosocial-Age 11
I learned that I loved school and I loved learning. This is when I really took a liking to school and reading. -
Period: to
Biosocial- 13 years old
I hit puberty around this time and had a growth spurt. I grew tall what seemed like overnight and became very skinny because of these sudden changes. -
Psychosocial 15 years old
My first niece was born and it was great. I helped take care of her a lot and made me mature a great deal. -
Psychosocial 16 years old
I got my drivers license! I was so excited and this is when I really started to hangout with a variety of people and also got my first job which was babysitting. I really devolped strong realtionships with my friends at this point. -
Biosocial Age 17
I have always been active since I was younger, but this was when I realized how important it was to stay active. I would go for daily jogs and really take care of my body. -
Cognitive 17 years old.
I took a anatomy class my senior year in high school and it reassuring to me that I wanted to go into the health field. This was when I discovered my passion and found what I wanted to continue my education in. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
Cognitive 18 years old
High School Graduation. I then got my second job as a waitress. I was so proud of my accomplishment of graduating High School with honors. -
Cognitive 18 years old
I started college. I actually really enjoy school and learning so I was excited to furthur my education. -
Psychosocial Age 19
I gave birth to my daughter. She was 4 lbs 13 oz. She was 3 weeks early. This is when I really devolped my identity and was able to show how nuturing I was. -
Biosocial 65 years old
I hope to continue my good nutrition and modify my exercise routines. I would imagine by now I would be taking viatamins of all sorts. -
Cognitive Age 23
Graduate with my Bachelors Degree in Biology -
Period: to
Adulthood: The Future
Cognitive Age 27
Graduate from the PA program -
Cogntive Age 27
I hope to get a job at a hospital shortly after I graduate from the PA program. -
Psychosocial Age 28
I would love to have more children and a big family. -
Cognitive Age 40
I hope to find a specific hobby that I enjoy to do with my time when I'm not working. -
Psychosocial Age 44
I am an extremly involved mother so when my daughter grows up I would love having grandchildren to take care of. I would love to become a hands on grandmother. -
Since I am so healthy now and concered with my diet, I hope to continue that idea and keep active well into my 50s and beyond. -
Psychosocial 51 years old
By this time, I would imagine I would have an empty nest unfortunatly. I would find other things to fill my time. -
Cognitive Age 60
I hope to have enough life experince where I have intelligence such as people around me now. -
Psychosocial Age 62
I hope to have get togethers with friends and still be social when I'm older. I'd love to go on vaccations with friends or have fun get togethers with them. -
Period: to
Late Adulthood: The Future
Psychosocial Age 65
I would imagine that I would retire by the time I'm 65. I don't know though, I could feel great for my age and not need to retire or something with my health could happen and I would have to stop working. -
Psychosocial Age 67
I want to become devoted to my Church because I believe that would be very important. I would want to volunteer there whenever I could. -
Health Problems-Age 70
Since at this point, I would be getting older, I probably would have retired and facing some health problems. -
Move into a retiremnt Community
It would be great if I could move someone tropical and just relax. -
Congitive Age 80
By this time I would think I would have memory problems. So I would fill my house with pictures to constantly remind myself of great times. -
Period: to
Death and Dying
Age 90
I would expect those around me to mourn me after I was gone. If I had lived to old age I believe that my death would be expecting so hopefully the greieving process would not be too bad. -
Pyschosocial Age 90
Since I am Christian, we beleive that when somebody dies, this is not the end. This is the beginning to your eternal life in Heaven and with God. -
Psychosocial Age 90
My family in the past have had a few family memebers that have lived to 100 years old. A lot of them have lived into their 80s-90s. I would expect to pass aways sometimes around my 90s.