
  • 4.1- Gender-typed behavior

    Girls being People oriented" and boys being "things oriented" this is a perfect example.(Pg. 179)I remember when I was little, had to be somwhere 1 grade. We had all these big role play material to play with. The girls would always be playing house and dolls. The guys would be trying to build bricks, and doing like manly things. When we did these role play, often time we imidimate our mother or father or role model.
  • Entering Adolesence

    Date: November, 1996. The reason why I picked this date because that when Puberty growth started happning, I started liking girls, like i never have before.Started taking notice thier boobs, face, hair, and how we are different from each otherErection prolly st arted happening. I would care what other think about me, what i wore, finding my social status among my peers in middle school. I really changed in my thinking of what is wrong and right, or what i need to do rather than just act on it.
  • “2.1- Late Maturer.”

    In the book, it pretty accurate because I wasnt very outgoing person till later on. It might have to do with my growth spurt because I was tendecny to be the short person in the groups of guys. If I had my growth spurt earlier I think I would have been more outgoing, because that when you start liking girls. And girls rejecting you is never fun, is why i would remember so much. I cant pinpoint if i was exacly late maturer but I would take a educational guess and say I was.
  • 2.2- Niche-picking.”

    I feel I am part of active genotype-envorioment correlations because while Evocative focused on sport. Which i grew up all my life in, but my parent never like put me into it. That why I feel like I am more of active because, I was the one who went to sport event, who want to play baseball, football. My family all were into music, and still is to this day. It affected my gene, because I am always want to do sport over anything else. It does screw up my priorty in life.
  • “3.1- Imaginary Audience.”

    I picked Imaginary Audience because of "The attempt to be noticed, visible, and "onstage" (pg. 122, Santrock) I believe when I play sport in high school or middle school, I always felt like they are pressuring me with thier eyes on the field or courts. I feel like everyone in the stadium has thier eyes on me. The girl in the book, "An adolescent girl walk in her glassroom and thinks all eyes are riviet on her." (Pg. 122 Santrock) That how I feel when I play sport, all eyes are onto me.
  • "3.3 Social Comparison"

    I find this little ironic that I am typing social comparion and doing breakfest club anaylze, because that how I feel as it portray in the movie. Growing up, I was always a part of a group, but however I didnt understand why I had to compare to be better than another group.Some of my friend who also were, dare to say Jock felt intimated or threaten when someone took thier girls, table, pride. That when I notice the comparion among other groups .Then I started comparing myself to alot of people.
  • "3.2 Differentiation"

    Growing up, I felt I always had the role of differentation, because of my family and friends I often peg as my friends as my family. I understood the role that my friend and family, even sport coaches are different among approaching to them. One role I have to be the good boy to my parent, then friend I could be myself with out worrying about getting punished for thinking that way, then coach is where I dont even act my opinion/voice because coach is always "Right."
  • “7.1- Transition to High School”

    I agree with the text from the book talking about top-dog phenommenon. I used to remember that 8th grade was the prilivege to be in than other class grade. Then when I got to freshman high school, it was the senior getting that prilvege to be in high school senior. You had to earn the resepct to be among those group. However, that wasnt a problem for me, as I was emerged with Deaf group where it too small to have that social elite of clique crowd.
  • 4.2 Non gender typed behavior

    In the book, "gender differences is that boys are more physically aggressive than girls." (pg 178) I find this not true at all. When I was in high school, I had a girl who was more aggressive than me. She really knew how to speak up for her self and defend for her self. I couldnt do what she was capable of doing. Example: Playing football she wouldnt care if aggressive play on her, while I was the one who was like whining. She just used her aggresive to show us she can play. It was eye opening.
  • 6.1- parent adolescent conflict.

    I think my parent was different from what the books has explained. Yes, there are some thing that I could agree on, such as my parent was more of authoritative parenting. Growing up, i was never punished for my wrong doing, as the book has mention that alot of the argument come from everyday life. (pg. 269, Santrock) My parent didnt really care about that stuff. Yes, here and there go clean your room, getting home but i was never punished for not showing up or not cleaning. They never follwed up
  • 7.3- Intrinsic Motivation

    Intrinsic motivation was very strongly used during sport. Espically, in football becaue that was my main sport that I played. Football made me to be determinated to become a better player athlete and learn the rope how to get better at tackling. The hardest challenge was learning to count snap so i can beat the blocker. I was often late, so i wa determine to learn to beat it by watching the football not the person. It has increased my knowledge interally and become more faster player.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    I think this date is apporiate because it when I got my first real job. It was when I had to go support myself rather than having my parent helping me. Also, I grew a new profound different perspective of what is love? Teenager it was about finding myself and exploring. Adulthood, I have a list like what I want in woman and suchs. It was discovering what I wanted to become. I believe the book is pretty accurate what is adult hood. I mean it has jobs, love perspective, and change in obligaltion.
  • 6.2 Similarity

    "Frinds often have similar attitudes toward schoo, similar educational aaspirations, and close algned achievement orientations. (pg. 311, santrock) That quote made me think of my friends who was into sports. I played so many sport through out high school, and we had the same goal set and mind. To finish school assignment, so we can go to practice and get better for the team. We would always go out and pratice after we do homework. It was lik the five of us. It was a good support system I had.
  • 8.1-Rite of Passage

    I have two event that i would consider a rite of passage for me. I think they both can consider as one because both happen almsot the same time. First one, the book has mention that it not really a rite of passage, but passing high school was for me. I will explain why. When I finished high school I lived on my own, and my other rite of passage was getting my first real job. Both rite of passage has been a big transition for me. It has show me that I am growing out of being an adolescent.
  • 6.3 companionship

    companionship- "willing to spend time with them and join in collaborateve activities." (Pg. 309, santrock) I was heavy into sports. There were so many other people who was in sports as well. So, I had alot of companionship friends. Who would join me in sport, talk to me about sport, play sports with me. It wouldnt matter what sport it was. Ther was always people coming up to me or my friend in group to play sport. Wether it tetherball, baseball, basketball, football and so on.
  • 7.2- Transition to College

    While this chapter focus on just having the transition form high school to college. I wish they had for people who enter college later on and what thier tendency. I do agreethat college student exprience stress because there are many factors in play. Example: Away from home, have to make new friends again, money is more of issuse, and finding the clique group you belong to. It just another high school and middle school all over again only this time you are treated as an adult. That how i feel.