Period: 476 to
European History: Spread of Christianity, Plague, and Dark Ages.
Period: 476 to Jan 29, 1300
European History 476 A.D. to 1300 A.D.
Justinian marries Theodora
Justinian becomes the Byzantine Emperor
Bubonic plague appears in Egypt and travels to Constantinople killing 230,000 people,
Charic, King of the Suevi converts to Catholic.
Jan 29, 613
Muhhamad begins preaching Islam in Mecca.
Jan 29, 632
Muhammad dies.
Jan 29, 641
Persian EMpire sacks Jerusalem and burns the Holy sepulchre and also captures the True Cross.
Jan 29, 671
Battle of Two Rivers: KIng Ecgfrith of Northumbria defeasts the Picts.
Jan 29, 674
tHe first Arab siege of Constantinople begins.
Jan 29, 707
The Byzantine lose the Baleric Islands to the Moors.
Jan 29, 745
Bubonic plague in Constantinople goes through the intire Empire.
Jan 29, 751
Pepin the SHort is elected king of the Franks by the Frankish nobility ending the Merovingian and also beginning the Carolinigian dynasty.
Jan 29, 777
Charlemagne defeats the Saxons and their leader Widukind flees to Denmark.
Jan 29, 1010
Beowulf is written and the writers is not known.
Feb 5, 1031
The moorish Caliphate or Cordoba collapses.
Feb 5, 1037
George Maniaces begins a capaign againxt the Arabs in Sicily.
Feb 5, 1055
Seljuk Turks capture Baghdad
Jun 3, 1097
THe NOrmans crusaders join the rest of the amry during the siege on NIcaea.
Feb 5, 1099
Siege of Jerusalem during the First Crusade.
Feb 5, 1119
Knights TEmplar Founded by Hugh de Payns.
Jun 5, 1148
2nd Crusafe reaCOuncil of Acre attack Damascus.ches Jerusalem and the
Jul 5, 1148
Siege of Damascus ends in failure.
Feb 5, 1150
Earliest textual reference is made into Gypsies working as musicians and theives.
Feb 5, 1155
Frederick I BArbarossa is crowned Holy Roman Emperor.
Feb 5, 1183
Saladin COnquers Syria and becomes sultan.
Feb 5, 1203
Fleet of 4th crusade eneters and captures Constantinople.
Feb 5, 1214
Battle of Bouvines in France Philips II defeates John of England.
Feb 5, 1233
The Inquisition is established.
Feb 5, 1248
King Louis IX of France launches the 7th Crusade keading 20,000 men toward Egypt.
Feb 5, 1260
Mongols lose to the Mamluks at the BAttle of Ain Jalut in PAlestine.
Feb 5, 1290
King Edward I of ENgland issues all JEws to leave.
Feb 5, 1297
BAttle of Stirling Bridge: Scottish armies of Andrew Moray and William WAllace defeat the ENglish.
Clovis becomes emperor after his father had died.
Clovis becomes emperor after his father had died. -
Fire destroys Constantinople, in the same year a earthquake hits Constantinople
Pope Greory 1 send Augustine to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity in England.
Cadwaldar launches the last WElsh offensive against the Saxons in Britian.
The Hispano-Visigothsic king Egica accuses the HEws for aiding the Muslims.
Paolo Lucio Anadesto is elected the first Doge of Venice.
Windukin and many other Saxons are baptized.
The Second Council of Nicaea ends the first period in the Byzantine Empire.
Charlemagne congquers Bavaria.
The Egyptian Sacracens attack the city of Naples.
The Norse town of Dyflinn or Dublin is discovered in Ireland.
THe Moors lose Madrid to the KIngdom of Leon.
King Edumun 1 of England take Northumbria from the Vikings.
A Byzantine amry under Nikephoros Phokas captures and plunders Aleppo.
Nicephorus II begins a campaign to recapture Cilicia.
Christianity is adopted in Iceland.
First seige by Rus on Constantinople.
Rurik gains control of Novgrod.
Oleg of Novgorod takesKiev and makes it his capital.
VIkings besiege Paris.
Ole leads the Kievan Rus' in a campaign against Constantinople.
Lombards turn WEst and join the Bavarians, Sarmatians, Saxons, and Taifaili to invade the Italians.
Covodba the capital of Al-Andalus becomes the largest city in the world and taking the lead from Bahdad which is capital of ABbasid caliph Ar-Radi.
Cerdic and cynric land somewhere on the south coast of Great Britian.
Cerdic and cynric land somewhere on the south coast of Great Britian.