Timmerman Family Timeline

  • Emily Anne Timmerman was born.

    Emily Anne Timmerman was born.
    Emily was born at 8:22 in the morning and weighed 12 ounces while being 21" in height.
  • Emily went to Traverse City for the first time.

    Emily went to Traverse City for the first time.
    I don't remember this specific trip, though my parents tell me that we spent a lot of time at the beach and they tried a lot of amazing food.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Emily travels in a car for 12 hours

    Emily travels in a car for 12 hours
    My family and I drove to Chicago when I was little more than a year old. They said I did very well though I don't think I could last now in a car for this long unless I had some good books.
  • Emily takes her first swimming lessons!

    Emily takes her first swimming lessons!
    Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved going to the beach and spending time in the water. I loved swimming lessons even though, at one point, my mother had to jump into the pool to save me from drowning. These swimming lessons were the start of my love for the water.
  • Emily says her ABC's.

    Emily says her ABC's.
    Though I hadn't started school yet, I was able to sing the "ABC song" in its entirety (and in the correct order) when I was only three years old.
  • Emily goes to Cedar Point for the first time.

    Emily goes to Cedar Point for the first time.
    I have always loved going to amusement parks and though I was too small to ride a majority of the roller coaters when I was four, my father tells me that we did every one I was able to.
  • Emily goes to Gymnastic Camp.

    Emily goes to Gymnastic Camp.
    Though my love for gymnastics has 100% disappeared since I was five, I remember being so excited to go to this camp every day. I wasn't the best in the class but I had a lot of fun.
  • A magnitude 7 earthquake hits Hati.

    A magnitude 7 earthquake hits Hati.
  • Emily learns to ride a bike.

    Emily learns to ride a bike.
    My first lessons were not my proudest moments. I was frustrated that I wasn't doing it right the first time I tried it so I got mad and wanted to give up. I wasn't the biggest fan of "never giving up" but eventually (a month later) I tried again and successfully went on a bike ride.
  • Emily broke a bone for the first time.

    Emily broke a bone for the first time.
    My dad walked beside me while I rode my blue ATV to a park near my house. We went on the swings for a bit before I decided I wanted to go on the monkey bars. I didn't make it too far before I fell to the ground, all my body weight going onto my hand. It was a few days before my parents agreed to take me to the doctor. I ended up with a broken wrist and a bright pink cast.
  • Emily gets her tonsils taken out.

    Emily gets her tonsils taken out.
    I don't remember this process, but I do remember how everyone else was able to eat ice cream and popsicles but it hurt too much to eat anything. I also remember my mother asking the doctor if we could keep them in a jar after they got taken out. He said no.
  • Grandpa T passes away.

    Grandpa T passes away.
    I didn't have as many years as I would have liked with my Grandpa but he was the best. I remember sneaking out of my bed at night when I was at my Grandparent's house to sit on his lap while he was watching the game. I told him not to tell Grandma (he did). He was one of the nicest people I have ever known and he also caused my obsession with cake pops (he would always buy my cousin and I one when we went out for breakfast).
  • Emily gets her first pair of glasses.

    Emily gets her first pair of glasses.
    I remember crying (yes I was in fourth grade) because I was not able to see the screen. My teacher was the one to tell me that I needed glasses and let me tell you that no one has ever been more right (my sight was (and is) terrible). I picked out a pair of thin, small purple frames.
  • Climate Agreement

    Climate Agreement
  • The Timmerman Family get a DOG!!!

    The Timmerman Family get a DOG!!!
    Zoey was my best friend. She was a lot of work for my family (specifically my dad) at first but after a little while, she became calm and gentle. She was the best dog I could've asked for, even if she only went by me because I had food.
  • Emily gets her braces.

    Emily gets her braces.
    Ugh. I got my braces on the first day of school this year and I remember being in so much pain. I remember hating my braces so much because food always got stuck in them (gross) and they caused my lips to be scratched up all the time. I was so excited for them to be off after so many years of having them except that they were followed by the dreaded retainers.
  • Emily goes to Florida for a mission trip

    Emily goes to Florida for a mission trip
    This was the fourth year I traveled to Flordia with four other families to help people in need. The first two years we drove the whole way and the second two years we flew.
  • Emily starts drivers training!

    Emily starts drivers training!
    I did my first session of driver training through Jungle drivers training when I was fourteen and a half. Let's just say that the teacher peed on the side of the building and we sat on a broken couch with a parrot and a turtle nearby. The first time I drove was during rush hour on a busy street that I have never been to before. It was...great.
  • Emily starts her first job!

    Emily starts her first job!
    I started working as a caterer at Adeline Leah Catering with my mom (I couldn't work on my own until I was 18). I loved (and love) seeing all of the different weddings and all of the couples that somehow ended up together. (I also enjoy eating some of the free food). The owners are retiring in a few months of this 2022, though, so I only have a few more weeks of working here.
  • Covid-19 Pandemic

    Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Emily's great-grandma passes away.

    Emily's great-grandma passes away.
    My cousins and I had always referred to our great-grandma as Pammy. I never got to see her as much as I would've liked to (she lived in Ohio) but I always treasured the time that I got. She was so sweet and it's still weird to think about how she's not here anymore. She also introduced me to rice pudding (I love it).
  • The Timmerman Family dog get's put down.

    The Timmerman Family dog get's put down.
    Zoey had been with our family for what seemed like forever. She had faulsy diagnosed with cancer a few years before but we knew we had to put her down when she struggled to walk (she always walked with a limp) and from the second cancer diagnosis. I still miss her today and I will never forget how much I love her.
  • Emily graduates high school!

    Emily graduates high school!
    At the end of my senior year, I will be graduating from high school and moving on to the next chapter of my life: college. It still seems unreal that I will have gone through about eleven years of school.