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Timline of roman empire

  • Period: 700 BCE to 700

    Rise and fall of Rome

  • 509 BCE

    Rome becomes a Republic

    The last king is expelled, and Rome is now ruled by senators.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar Becomes Dictator

    Julius Caesar becomes supreme ruler of Rome.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar is assassinated

    Civil war breaks out.
  • 27 BCE

    Roman Empire Begins

    Octavius becomes the first emperor of Rome
  • 80

    Colosseum is Built

    Killing for sport - the great Roman pass time.
  • 122

    Hadrian Wall is Built

    Constantius, builds a wall across northern England to keep barbarians out.
  • 380


    Christianity becomes to sole religion of the Roman Republic.
  • 395

    Rome Splits

    Rome splits into East and West. Eastern Rome became the Byzantine Empire with the capital being Constantinople.
  • 410

    Visogoths Sack Rome

    The first time in 800 years that the city of Rome had fallen to an enemy. Rome never fully recovered.
  • 476

    End of Western Roman Empire and the Fall of Ancient Rome

    The German Goth's sack Rome, and the Dark Ages start in Europe.