Day 1 - Establishing Integral Classroom Rules
Explain integral class rules that you implement in every class
- Explain school rules that are pertinent to the classroom
- Examples: 1. Respect all classmates with your words and actions
2. Come to class prepared with all materials
3. Class time is for class activities (this can be expanded on in regards to technology in the classroom on a later date)
4. Explain Consequences -
Day 2 - Student Input on Rules for Classroom
Ask students what rules they have found to be effective in previous classrooms or what they feel has been missing. Some students will attempt to put in rules that clearly can't be used in your class (i.e. cell phone use is allowed whenever they like). Make sure that your primary guidelines set on Day 1 do not allow for these. They should shape the rules that students create. This allows for some rules to be subject specific. -
Day 3 - Technology Guidelines
Secondary students are often connected to their phones; often they underestimate the amount of distraction it causes themselves and others. Ensure that a guide on technology use is in place by this day, and the rules are being implemented uniformly. It is imperative that you show improper technology use will not be accepted from the start of the course -
Day 4 - Rules Challenge
Talk with students about any rules they feel are missing after the first few days of class, or if there are any rules that may need to be changed; this is also your chance to have a final say on rules that students created. -
Day 5 - Confirmation of Class Rules, Notice to Parents
Now that students have had a chance to reflect on the classroom rules, create a document that outlines each of them and have students sign the document to acknowledge their responsibilities in the classroom. Send a copy of this in an email to parents that states which rules are yours and which were agreed upon by the students. This will show they are already involved in structuring their classroom. Also explain that each student has signed the document, this serves as a first notice for issues.