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Timetoast_Chapter 7

  • 30,000 BCE

    Cave Drawings

    Cave Drawings
    In 30,000 B.C.E, people were beginning to draw in caves
  • 1450

    Gutenberg Printing Press

    Gutenberg Printing Press
    In 1450, The Gutenberg Printing Press was made and it revolutionized how things were taught.
  • First Public School

    First Public School
    The first public school in the American colonies opens
  • Free Public School for Poor

    Free Public School for Poor
    Pennsylvania state constitution allows for free public education for poor families but wealthy families were still expect to pay.
  • The Chalkboard made way in the classroom

    The Chalkboard made way in the classroom
    The Chalkboard was introduced into classrooms. People were skeptical.
  • German-English Teaching in Ohio

    German-English Teaching in Ohio
    Ohio becomes first state to have a bilingual education law. This allowed German-English teaching instructions.
  • Spencerian Penmanship

    Spencerian Penmanship
    Platt Rogers Spencer develops the first widely used handwriting teaching system in schools called Spencerian penmanship.
  • First public community college

    First public community college
    Joliet Junior College, in Joliet, Illinois, opens. It is the first public community college in the U.S.
  • Filmstrip projector

    Filmstrip projector
    Filmstrip projector provided a whole new way of teaching
  • Ruby Bridges First African American to attend Willian Frantz Elementary School

    Ruby Bridges First African American to attend Willian Frantz Elementary School
    First grader Ruby Bridges is the first African American to attend William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans.
  • The Teacher of the Deaf Act

    The Teacher of the Deaf Act
    The Teacher of the Deaf Act is enacted.
  • Billingual Education Act

    Billingual Education Act
    Congress passes the Bilingual Education Act to help incorporate native-language in classrooms.
  • Apple Computers Introduced into Schools

    Apple Computers Introduced into Schools
    Apple computers are brought into the school setting
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    No Child Left Behind Act is signed into law by George W. Bush
  • Prezi in classroom

    Prezi in classroom
    Prezi is an online animated presentation tool that students can use to make projects.
  • Twitter in classrooms

    Twitter in classrooms
    Twitter is now being used in classrooms to have students tweet with pen pals across the globe
  • Mind Maps

    Mind Maps
    Mind Maps help students put together story concepts
  • Graphing Calculators

    Graphing Calculators
    Graphing calculators are used in the classroom for graphing math equations
  • Ipads

    Ipads in classrooms help students to have a 1:1 benefit that helps with different style of teaching
  • Teachers Strike

    Teachers Strike
    Teachers across the U.S. are going on strike to get more benefits and pay
  • Youtube in the classroom

    Youtube in the classroom
    Youtube is used in the classroom today for students to find information and build knowledge from other resources
  • cellphones in the classroom

    cellphones in the classroom
    Kids are now allowed more to use their phones in the classroom for educational purposes
  • Kahoot it in the classroom

    Kahoot it in the classroom
    Classrooms are now starting to use kahoot it (online quizzing portal for a classroom) in the classroom for quizzing purposes.
  • student walkout for gun control

    student walkout for gun control
    students are walking out of class to make a stand for gun control
  • Virtual projection for classrooms

    Virtual projection for classrooms
    In the future, there could be technology in the classrooms such as projection computers