Timetoast unit 3 part 3

By sethmcm
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
  • The U.S. annexed Hawaii

    The U.S. annexed Hawaii
  • The U.S. annexed the Philippines

    The U.S. annexed the Philippines
  • John Hay's open door policy with china

    John Hay's open door policy with china
  • The United States first global economy

    The United States first global economy
    Couldn't find a date for this one
  • The U.S. asserted right to intervene in Cuban Affairs with Platt Amendment

    The U.S. asserted right to intervene in Cuban Affairs with Platt Amendment
  • President Taft's Dollar Diplomacy with Latin America

    President Taft's Dollar Diplomacy with Latin America
  • Panama Canal opened making passage between the atlantic and pacific easier

    Panama Canal opened making passage between the atlantic and pacific easier
  • World War 1 began in Europe

    World War 1 began in Europe
  • U.S. entered WW1 due to German Submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Telegram

    U.S. entered WW1 due to German Submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Telegram
  • Woodrow Wilson made his "make the world safe for democracy" speech

    Woodrow Wilson made his "make the world safe for democracy" speech
  • Woodrow Wilson delivered 14 points to eliminate causes of war

  • Treaty of Versailles was signed(Punished germany for ww1)

    Treaty of Versailles was signed(Punished germany for ww1)
  • U.S. senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles and failed to join League of Nations

  • League Of Nations created for worldwide peace

    League Of Nations created for worldwide peace
  • Puerto Rico Was annexed by the US

    Puerto Rico Was annexed by the US