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TimeToast of New Deal Policies [APUSH]

By Kellii
  • Period: to

    Old & New Deal Policies

  • Emergency Banking Relief Act [First New Deal]

    Emergency Banking Relief Act [First New Deal]
    The Act's purposes is to repair the nation's banking system. (Recovery)
  • Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) [First New Deal]

    Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) [First New Deal]
    The Corp is to provide jobs for young men and to relieve families who are struggling to find a job, especially during the Great Depression. (Relief/Reform)
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) [First New Deal]

    Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) [First New Deal]
    Their goal is to alleviate household employment and create new unskilled jobs in any local and state government. (Relief/Recovery)
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) [First New Deal]

    Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) [First New Deal]
    Mainly for the farmers and it's to subside, exchanging their limit of their production for certain crops. (Recovery)
  • Homeowners Refinancing Act (HOLC) [First New Deal]

    The Act provides help for civilians to those who are about to lose their homes during the Great Depression. (Relief/Reform)
  • Civil Works Administration (CWA) [Second New Deal]

    Civil Works Administration (CWA) [Second New Deal]
    This program was enacted to create manual-labor jobs for millions of unemployed workers during the Great Depression. (Relief/Reform/Recovery)
  • National Housing Act (FHA) [Second New Deal]

    National Housing Act (FHA) [Second New Deal]
    This Act is to improve housing conditions during the Great Depression. (Relief/Reform)
  • Resettlement Administration [Second New Deal]

    Resettlement Administration [Second New Deal]
    It provide struggling families in communities and help them cope with the Great Depression; they try to end economic downturn and prevent another depression. (Relief/Reform/Recovery)
  • Works Progress Administration (WPA) [Second New Deal]

    It opens up opportunities for job-seekers and provide them work projects. (Relief)
  • Wagner Act (NLRB) [Second New Deal]

    The Act is to prevent any employers interfering with any workers' unions and protest in the private sector. (Reform)