
  • Birth

    I was born the 24/04/2005 and my grandma dreamed that i was named Jon, so my parents named me Jon
  • Learned to ride bicycle without training wheels

    Learned to ride bicycle without training wheels
    I learned it earlier than other kids and i liked it so much
  • Start school

    Start school
    I started school in Carmelitas
  • My brothers birth

    My brothers birth
    My brother Ivan was born the 7/11/2007
  • Move to other house

    Move to other house
    We moved to other house because we were 4 instead of 3
  • First day of primary school

    First day of primary school
    It was completely new and different
  • I sign up to my first basketball club

    I sign up to my first basketball club
    I liked basketball so i signed up with my firends to the school basketball team
  • Started hanging up with my friends

    Started hanging up with my friends
    I started hanging up with my friends
  • Played Basque basketball championship with Alava basketball selection

    Played Basque basketball championship with Alava basketball selection
    Alava basketball selection sign up me, and there i maked many friends
  • Get my 1. Mountain Bike

    Get my 1. Mountain Bike
    Thanks to this bike I started ciclyng in mountains and satrted an afition
  • Sign up for other basketball club

    Sign up for other basketball club
    I sign up in Araberri with my Alava selections friends
  • Finish primary and enter secondary school

    Finish primary and enter secondary school
    Like primary schools first day, it was completely different form me
  • I get sign up for Alava selection again

    I get sign up for Alava selection again
    This time I broke my Wrist in a friendly against Cantabria and I couldnt play the Basque championship
  • Period: to

    Covid started and quarantine has too long

    In the quarantine at first was cool but with the time was hard, I change a lot mentally and many relationships I had before it, after I lost them
  • I get robbed 2 bikes

    I get robbed 2 bikes
    At first I get robbed my bike I had since 4 years, after a month y purchased another one with almost all my saves and the first day I used it I get it robbed too. This hit me a lot
  • Buyed an electric scooter

    Buyed an electric scooter
    This is the most useful and funny purchase I have ever made, i love it.
  • Started going to Gym

    Started going to Gym
    I previously went to gym but not continously, but this time I went almost everyday since may to october
  • I went to Noja 1 week with my friends

    I went to Noja 1 week with my friends
    We went to a camping and it was a great experience
  • My first job

    My first job
    I started as trainer of a basketball team in Egibide