timetoast 2

  • women gained the right to vote in 19th amendment

    women gained the right to vote in 19th amendment
  • Samuel Gompers created the American Federation of labor

    Samuel Gompers created the American Federation of labor
  • 13th amendment passed

    13th amendment passed
  • 14th amendment passed

    14th amendment passed
  • 15 amendment passed

    15 amendment passed
  • Knights of labor(union) was created

    Knights of labor(union) was created
  • jim crow laws were passed in the south

    jim crow laws were passed in the south
  • haymarket square riot

    haymarket square riot
  • Federal Indian policy of assimilation

    Federal Indian policy of assimilation
  • Ida B. Wells began her anti lynching campaign

    Ida B. Wells began her anti lynching campaign
  • Plains Indian Wars began

    Plains Indian Wars began
  • progressive era began

    progressive era began
  • sherman anti trust act

    sherman anti trust act
  • homestead strike

    homestead strike
  • Pullman strike

    Pullman strike
  • Booker t Washington delivered his Atlantic compromise speech

    Booker  t Washington delivered his Atlantic compromise speech
  • Plessyv. Fergson ruling by the supreme court

     Plessyv. Fergson ruling by the supreme court
  • Muckraking began

    Muckraking began
  • Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal

    Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal
  • Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal

    Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal
  • 17th Amendment passed

    17th Amendment passed
  • clayton anti trust act

    clayton anti trust act
  • Eugene v. debs founded the american railway union

    Eugene v. debs founded the american railway union
  • W.E.B. Dubois helped established the NAACP

    W.E.B. Dubois helped established the NAACP
  • Great Migration began

    Great Migration began