
By kalosss
  • Period: 99,999 BCE to 3500 BCE


    It is the period when the first humans begin to appear, and ends with the first written texts.
  • 3500 BCE

    Written texts

    Written texts
    The first written texts begin to appear until then there was nothing.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 476

    Ancient History

    The ancient age begins with the first written texts and ends with the fall of the empire. Roman
  • 476

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    It is the year in which the barbarians enter Rome and defeat the emperor
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    The Middle Ages

    It is a time in which castles begin to be built and royalty begins to exist. It begins with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and ends with the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • 1492

    Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire

    Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire
    That day the Turks invaded Constantinople, and defeated the Byzantine Empire.
  • Period: 1492 to

    The Modern Age

    Modern things begin to appear, more artists. It begins with the fall of the Roman Empire of Orinete and ends with the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, which convulsed the France of the Ancien Regime, and other countries by extension of its implications.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Age

    The Contemporary Age is the name given to the historical period between the Declaration of Independence of the United States, the French Revolution or the Spanish-American Wars of Independence, and the present day.