Timeline with altitude

  • War artists +1($)

    War artists +1($)
    This World War 1 created many opportunities for Canadian photographers and painters to hone their skills and get recognized. This helped artists create new mediums to heroic stories and images to help the people and tell the story of the great World War 1 as we know today.
  • Billy Bishop +1($)

    Billy Bishop +1($)
    Canadian pilots like Billy Bishop helped advance Canada's reputation as a reputable air force in WW1. His major accomplishments in World War 1 is what made him stand out, being able to fly across enemy lines ,attacking a German aerodrome and shooting down three German planes. Back then flying was still in it's infancy so taking off and landing a plane with crashign was a significant accomplishment. Photo:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Bishop
  • Period: to

    Timeline With Altitude

    $= Social
    *= Economic
    @= Political
  • French Canadian regiment +1(@)

    French Canadian regiment +1(@)
    After the French-Canadian Regiment, the 22nd Battalion, was formed, many French-Canadian soldiers could finally be promoted to higher ranks as they weren't allowed before.
  • Lt. Col. Borden's Letter(@)

    Lt. Col. Borden's Letter(@)
    Allison Borden sent a letter to the children's in schools that existed in Nova Scotia and took advantage of the young kids fear that was caused by the war. He then manipulated them to beg and convince all their loved ones or any that they know of to go to war or else something bad will happen to their homes caused by the "horrible Germans" if they don't. This shows how unfair society was back then because of the war. Photo:https://cefrg.ca/blog/allison-hart-borden/
  • Jeremiah Jones and other Black Canadian Soldiers +2(@)

    Jeremiah Jones and other Black Canadian Soldiers +2(@)
    Jeremiah Jones was a black man enlisted in the 106th Battalion. He saved his unit from an enemy machine gun nest. From this accomplishment. He contributed to one of Canada's greatest victories in the war. Due to how black people were treated in this time period, he gained recognition and proved his "worth" in the war.
  • Woman Operators +2(*)

    Woman Operators +2(*)
    With Canada and its people being occupied with World War 1, labor shortages were happening. This allowed woman to volunteer and do labor instead of doing their traditional duties that they were known for. As more and more woman join to do labor, more people demanded that woman have the right to be able to vote equally alongside males. Doing labor helped them have a gain of recognition and a sense of self worth to all woman.
  • Enemy Aliens -2(@)

    Enemy Aliens -2(@)
    In 1917, a cruel act was made called the War Measures Act. This was directed at people called "enemy aliens". Enemy aliens are referenced towards Canadians with a German and Austro-Hungarian background. People with these backgrounds were sent to labor camps and do hard labor for hardly nothing. This limited the freedom of citizens and allowed police officers to arrest and imprison people without charging them and people born the backgrounds listed above could easily be deported.
  • Conscription and the Home Front -2(@)

    Conscription and the Home Front -2(@)
    In 1917, a Military Service Act was introduced because Prime Minister Borden was unable to find volunteers reinforcement soldiers to send to the war in replacement to the ones who had fallen and did not want to let the soldiers down by not sending reinforcements. This made the military service act made, where males that are aged 20 to 45 were forced to leave their loved ones and homes, and go to war. This is known as conscription and caused many resentment towards this act from Canadians.
  • Woman Helping Out In The War +2(@)

    Woman Helping Out In The War +2(@)
    In this period of time woman were not allowed to have a mans fighting role in the war. Instead they were mostly nurses and still played a critical role in the war and shared the same dangers of getting killed just like the males in the war. Woman being able to help in the war allowed them to gain some recognition and worth that they otherwise did not get from society and helped contribute the degree of woman having the same rights as men.
  • Discovery of Insulin +2(*)

    Discovery of Insulin +2(*)
    Frederick Bantin was a Canadian medical scientist, physician, painter who helped make the discovery of insulin. Which has saved millions of lives in the time of war.