Timeline US history

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Abraham Lincoln proclaim slavery is now illegal
  • Period: to


  • 14 th Amendment Passed

    14 th Amendment Passed
    Guaranteed equal protection to all people born in the U.S.
  • 15 th Amendment Passed

    15 th Amendment Passed
    Don't let the government denying the right of vote
  • Buffalo massacre

    Buffalo massacre
    A lot of buffalo were purposely killed by US hunters
  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Battle between different Indian tribes and the U.S. Army
  • Telephone invented

    Telephone invented
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
  • Period: to

    Guilded Age

  • Dawes act

    Dawes act
    Law providing create Native Americans farmers and regulate lands
  • USS Maine Explodes

    USS Maine Explodes
    Ship that blew up and one of the reasons of the Spanish-American War
  • Period: to

    U.S. Imperialism

  • Wounded Knee Creek Massacre

    Wounded Knee Creek Massacre
    Battle between Indian and American soldiers
  • Carnegie Steel founded

    Carnegie Steel founded
    Steel company made by Andrew Carnegie and was one of the biggest companies in the world
  • Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani

    Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani
    The queen was overthrown by business men because of the sugar
  • Plessy V.Ferguson

    Plessy V.Ferguson
    Legalize the racial segregation but with equal facilities in both races, separate but equal
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    War between the US and Spain fighting over Cuba independence
  • Building of Panama Canal

    Building of Panama Canal
    The US got the Canal
  • The Jungle Written

    The Jungle Written
    Book wrote by Upton Sinclair talking about politics

    Organization that gives rights to African Americans
  • Period: to


  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    Fire in a factory in New York killing 146 workers
  • Trust-busting/breakup of Standard Oil

    Trust-busting/breakup of Standard Oil
    The break of the company because of a lawsuit
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
    Law to regulate child labor
  • Passing of 19 th Amendment

    Passing of 19 th Amendment
    Right to vote for the American women
  • Prohibition Protests

    Prohibition Protests
    People protest against the prohibition law because they want alcohol legal