Timeline- Term 1

  • Sep 4, 1487

    Diaz Sailed Around Africa

    Diaz Sailed Around Africa
    Diaz sailed around Africa. He was on his way to the Indies and took a route to explore around Africa.
  • Sep 4, 1492

    Columbus Set out for Asia

    Columbus Set out for Asia
    in 1492, Columbus set out for Asia from Palos Spain, but landed in America instead.
  • Aug 30, 1497

    John Cabot Landed in Canada's East Coast

    John Cabot Landed in Canada's East Coast
    John Cabot sailed from Bristol England on his way to find a route to Asia. While on his voyage to Asia, Cabot discovered Canada's east coast. While on the east coast, he decided to explore the rest of the coast of North America.
  • Sep 4, 1497

    Vasco da Gama Sailed to India

    Vasco da Gama Sailed to India
    Vasco de Gama sailed from Lisbon and headed north for India. Vasco da Gama stopped on the way to explore Africa. He finally arrived in Calicut, India in 1498. Calicut was the main spot for trading precious stones and spices.
  • Period: Aug 30, 1500 to

    Quebec and Canadian History

  • Sep 4, 1500

    Cabral Sailed to Brazil

    Cabral Sailed to Brazil
    Cabral was also on his way to India to get the monopoly of trading valuable spices. He was going to take Vasco da Gama's way to India but instead of going aroud Africa, he went through South America. As soon as he found the new territory (Brazil) he claimed that territory to King Manuel.
  • Sep 4, 1513

    Balboa landed in Central America

    Balboa landed in Central America
    Balboa crossed Panama in Central America to get to the Pacific Ocean. He was the first person to reach the Pacific Ocean
  • Aug 30, 1534

    Jacques Cartier, First Arrival

    Jacques Cartier, First Arrival
    Jacques Cartier came America for three reasons:
    - Fidn a new route to Asia
    - To find precious metals which would be very valuable
    - To claim land for the King of France
  • Aug 30, 1535

    Jacques Cartier- Second Arrival

    Jacques Cartier- Second Arrival
    in 1535, Jacques Cartier sailed up the St. Lawrence and ended up reaching Stadacona which is now Quebec. There were some nice natives there to greet him and other Europeans and they showed them how to survive the brutal winters of Canada.
  • Port Royal

    Port Royal
    The king sent a voyage in 1605 to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia called Port Royal. Port Rotal ended up failing because of it's position. It was to far East.
  • Trading Post in Stadacona

    Trading Post in Stadacona
    Champlain returned in 1608-09 to establish a trading post near Stadacona which is now Quebec City. This trading post grew and became a colony of France named New France.
  • Paul de Chomedy de Maisonneuve

    Paul de Chomedy de Maisonneuve
    Maisonneuve was the founder of Montreal (Ville-Marie) (Indian name: Hochelaga). Paul de Chomedy de Maisonneuve was also a French military officer.
  • Laviolette

    Laviolette was the founder of Trois-Rivieres which was the 1st trading post in New France. This was very important because it was near three rivers and the main mode of transportation was boats.
  • Jeanne Mance

    Jeanne Mance
    Jeanne Mance was a Christian nurse who opened the first hsopital in Montreal named Hotel Dieu in 1644.
  • Marguerite Bourgeoys

    Marguerite Bourgeoys
    Marguerite Bourgeoys was the founder of the Congregation of Notre-Dame of Montreal in the colony of New France. She opened up this school to create a religious community for women.
  • Rene Rober Cavelier, Sieur de Laval

    Rene Rober Cavelier, Sieur de Laval
    Sieur Lasalle was a French explorer and the first seigneur. He sailed up the Mississippi, which allowed France to have more territory.
  • King Took Control of France

    King Took Control of France
    When he took the the control of France he wanted two things: settle wars in Europe, and take command of his colonies and he also wanted to change mercantilism.
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    The King installed a new government for the colony of France. It was made up of the King, the Minister of the Marine, and the Sovereing Council. The Sovereign Council was made up of the Bishop, Intendant and the Governor.
  • First Intercolonial War

    First Intercolonial War
    Ended with the Treaty of Ryswick
  • Second Intercolonial War

    Second Intercolonial War
    Ended with the Treaty of Utrecht
  • Third Intercolonial War

    Third Intercolonial War
    Ended with the treaty of Aix-la- Chapelle
  • People were called Canadians

    People were called Canadians
    They became a distinct set of people called Canadians. At the same time the 13 colonies were still growing and they were being called Americans.
  • Articles of Capitulation

    Articles of Capitulation
    1. The French Militia would return home, no one would lose their property
    2. The French military would lay down their arms and leave
    3. The people could practice R.C but the Bishop would have to leave
    4. All the people who stayed would become British subjects
  • Fourth Intercolonial War (7 Year War)

    Fourth Intercolonial War (7 Year War)
    It was the battle that decided Britian or France for North America. There was war also going on in Europe. The British ended up beating France in both Europe and North America.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    It gives the colony a new name: Province of Quebec
    The royal proclamation's goal was to assimilate the French and try to make them more British.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty is signed when the 7 year war ends. All the territory known as New France is given to the king of England except for two islands: St-Pierre et Miquelon.
  • James Murray Recalled

    James Murray Recalled
    James Murray was recalled due to the fact that he was favoring the French since they were 99% of the population. The English were mad therefore wanted James Murray out.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The quebec act favors the french. IT guarantees french canadian loyalty, enlarges the area of Quebec, it denies an elected assembly, it has an appointed council and the french civil laws were re-instated.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The Americans were constantly having to pay taxes for suff they didn't know they were paying for. Fed up of paying so many tzes and fed up of lots of other stuff, the Americans decided to be free from the power of Britain.
  • Britain's Final Defeat

    Britain's Final Defeat
    The war for the independance of America was finalised in Yorktown.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of versailled was a peace treaty signed by the British. The British then accepted the United States as an independant country.
  • Constutional Act

    Constutional Act
    The province of Quebec was split in two; Upper Canada and Lower Canada. Upper Canada was mainly English and Lower Canada was mainly French.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The Americans attempted badly organized attacks on Canadian settlements which failed. They also burned some towns such as York (toronto). French Canadian militia, as well as British tropps attacked American towns and burned down the white house.
  • Third Wave of Immigration

    Third Wave of Immigration
    Many poor immigrants were coming from Great Birtain. Mostly people from Ireland who were in search for a better life. Their land owners in Britain had no pity when rent wasn't paid.
  • British Party and Parti Canadien

    British Party and Parti Canadien
    By 1830 these two distinct groups have been formed. The British Party controlled the councils and spent money on publixk works. The Parti Canadien controlled the assembly and had power over taxes.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    The leader of the Patriotes; Louis Joseph Papineau wrote 92 resolutions to the British government. Their main demand was for a responsible government.
  • 10 Resolutions

    10 Resolutions
    3 years after receiving the 92 resolutions, Lord Jogn Russell responsed with the 10 resolutions which didn't solve any the Patriotes' demands but instead gave more power to the councils.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    It unites both Canadas consisting of Canada East and West. Canada east and west each had 42 members to the assembly. Canada east and Canada west would equally pay for Canada's debts, The purpose of this act was to assimilate the French.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    Canada signed this treaty with the U.S.A which lasted 10 yeras. This treaty meant that customs/duties between these two countries were temporarily ceased. It provided an advantage for canadian porducers because the states were a huge market.