History timeline

history timeline meaghan hindle

  • Sep 4, 1487

    Diaz's trip from Portugal

    Diaz's trip from Portugal
    Diaz was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around Africa, trying to find another route to the Indies.
  • Sep 4, 1492

    Columbus's trip

    Columbus's trip
    Columbus was a Spanish explorer who was in search of Asia to find spices. All European countries were in economic competition (money, trades and colonies). He took part in 4 voyages, always wanting to reach Asia, but instead he found the Bahamas islands, the Antilles, the Carrabean, and South America.
  • Sep 4, 1497

    Vasco de Gama's trip

    Vasco de Gama's trip
    Vasco de Gama was a Portuguese explorer who sailed to India. This would meen that the Portuguese would not need to cross the Mediterranean or the Arabia. india was simply reached by sea.
  • Sep 7, 1497

    John Cabot's trip

    John Cabot's trip
    Cabot was an English explorer who sailed to Canada's east coast. He wanted to reach Asia by sailing to the west and taking a shorter route then Columbus. He arrived in the area of Newfoundland, Labrador and the Cap Breton Island. There are many theories to where he landed.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    history timespan

    history timespand of term 1
  • Aug 30, 1500

    First Europeans arrive in North America

    First Europeans arrive in North America
    The first Europeans arrive in North America and settle in, trying to live with with the Ameridians.
  • Aug 30, 1500

    Reason for European voyages

    Reason for European voyages
    The Europeans took on many voyages because they where in search of many things. They wanted an alternative path to Asia, since the Ottoman Turks where blocking the man-made land. The motive for the trips were anything related to money: finding golds, metal, silver, silks, spices, precious stones, etc....
  • Sep 4, 1500

    Inventions that helped the voyages

    Inventions that helped the voyages
    New inventions appeared to help the voyages such as: caravels (large cargo boats), compass, astrolabe (star guide with the north star), musket, canon (gun powder weapons), and maps that help the voyagers know where they have been and draw the new land they found.
  • Sep 4, 1500

    Cabral's trip

    Cabral's trip
    Cabral was a Portuguese explorer who sailed to Brazil. He followed Vasco de Gama's route around Africa. He was in search of India to bring back spices; he wanted to claim the monopole of spice trades since the Arabs, Turks and Italians had it. instead, he found South America.
  • Sep 4, 1513

    Balboa's trip

    Balboa's trip
    Balboa was a Spanish explorer who wanted to find the Pacific Ocean. He went to Central America than crossed it to find the Pacific Ocean.
  • Sep 7, 1519

    Magellan's trip

    Magellan's trip
    Magellan was a Spanish explorer who was the first whose ships, since he died before the tour was completely finished, to circle the Earth, therefore proving that it is round. He was searching for a route to find spices. His voyage was the first to go from the Atlantic into Pacific Ocean.
  • Sep 7, 1534

    Jacques Cartier's trip

    Jacques Cartier's trip
    Jacques Cartier was a French explorer who undertook 3 voyages: in 1534, in 1535, and in 1541. He was the first to seize the territory that is now Canada, the first to make a map of the Gulf of St-Lawrence and its shores. He found the three first and main resources of Canada: fish, fur, and timber. He reached Stadacona on his second trip and on his third he tried to organize a colony but it didn't work.
  • first settlement

    first settlement
    The King sent people on a voyage to set up the first settlement in Nova Scotia. It was called Port Royal. It didn't last because of its position.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    Champlain set up the first settlement, that worked, in 1608. It was actually the first trading post, in Stadacona (Quebec). As time passed, the trading post grew into a colony that would be called New France.
  • Maisonneuve

    Maisonneuve was the creator of Ville-Marie, which would become Montreal. It started where the Old Port now is, downtown.
  • Laviolette

    Laviolette founded Trois-Rivieres to be closer to the Indians. It started off as a trading post. It is close to 3 rivers, which was the main transportation mean since you travelled by canoes.
  • Louis the 14th

    Louis the 14th
    Louis the 14th took full control as King of France. He wanted to stop the wars in Europe since they were very expensive and focuse on his colony. He wants to change their economical system, mercantilism, because he sees how well the 13 colonies are doing and therefore wants to grow the population of New France.
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    The King decided to end the monopoly and take charge of the development of New France. The colony was now governed by the Minister of the Marine (Jean-Baptiste Colbert) and the King. They decided to create the Royal Government, which was made up of the King, the Minister of the Marine, the Sovereign Council (the Governor, the Intendant, the Bishop), the Captain of Militia, and the People
  • Population count

    Population count
    The population of New France has 3 000 people.
  • Jean Talon's policies to increase the population

    Jean Talon's policies to increase the population
    Jean Talon installed many policies to increase the population of New France. He put in place punishments or rewards for marriage and families he brought in soldiers and men seaking work.
  • The First Intercolonial War

    The First Intercolonial War
    It ends with the Treaty of Ryswick; it was between the French and the English.
  • The Second Intercolonial War

    The Second Intercolonial War
    It ends wiht the Treaty of Utrecht; it was between the French and the English.
  • The Third Intercolonial War

    The Third Intercolonial War
    It ends with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle; it was between the French and the English.
  • Seven Year War - fourth intercolonial war

    Seven Year War - fourth intercolonial war
    This war lasts from 1756-1763. It ends in America in 1760 but the colonies must way 3 years that the war ends in Europe, even though Britain already owns New France. New France inhabitants become british citizens and live under the "ruling" of the british military until Britain will fully take control of the colony, once their war ends.
  • Population inrease

    Population inrease
    The population of New France has 70 000 people.
  • New title for inhabitants of New France

    New title for inhabitants of New France
    The inhabitants of New France are now known as Canadiens, people distinct from the French. Also, the inhabitants of the 13 colonies become American.
  • Distinct Candiens

    Distinct Candiens
    From this point on, people born in New France were so distinct from French people that they were called Canadiens.
  • Articles of capitulation

    Articles of capitulation
    These are the rules that everyone must live by in America until the treaty is signed. They include: french militia being able to return to their farms and homes, the regular army leaving to go back to France, people being allowed to practice Roman Catholic religion but the Bishop must leave, and the peopole that stay become british citizens.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    This proclamation had a goal to assimilate the French, by taking many of their rights away and bringing them together with the English. The colony is now called the Province of Quebec and is limited to the St-Lawrence Valley. Their is a representative government, the English laws are applied and the Bishop must leave, reducing Catholic power to nothing.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty ends the 7 years war. It reduces the French territory to only the islands St-Pierre et Miquelon. The rest of their territory is now owned and ran by Britian.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    This Act guarantees the loyalty of the French, because the English are getting very upset with the way the colony is being governed. Britain wants to make sure the French won't join the English if they declare a war. The Quebec territory is enlraged, there is no elected assembly, the councli is appointed, the Frenc civil laws are put into place and the Test Oath replaces the Test Act. All these favor the French.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The Quebec Act of 1774 is seen as the last straw for the English. Ever since the war ended, Britain has been taxing them more, and treating them poorly because they didn't give enough during the war. The Americans in the 13 colonies wanted independance form Britain.
  • The difficulties in the first Governors

    The difficulties in the first Governors
    James Murray, the Governor General at the time, is recalled because he is giving to much power to the French, and the English are furious about it. They won the battle so feel they should be giving the favoring rules. The thing James Murray understands is that since the French make up the majority of the population, they cannot be upset, they will cause an uprise and will win. Guy Carleton is brought in but realizes the same thing.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This is a peace treaty signed at the defeat of the British, it ends the American revolution, the Americans win an the United States of America are created. Since the Fench lose the territory south of the Great Lakes, the "North West Company" is created for fur trading.
  • Immigration of Loyalists

    Immigration of Loyalists
    All the Americans that were fighting the independance and were therefore loyal to the King in Britain moved to Britain's colony, Canada. Most of them moved to Quebec; 6 000. This increased the English populaiton from 1%-10%. They were expecting all English ways of living. They were therefore upset.
  • Constitutionnal Act

    Constitutionnal Act
    This separates the Canada in 2: the Upper Canada (English) and the Lower Canada (French). In the Lower Canada, the French could keep their religion, their civil laws and be part of the administration. In the Upper Canada, the English lived in townships and had their civil laws. Each Canada had a Lieutenant-Governor, and Executive Council, a Legislative Council and a Legislative Assembly, which was the only group to be elected. This was a fake democracy since the higher groups had veto power.
  • transportation changes

    transportation changes
    Steam power is invented by James Watt. It is added to ships, and then later on to trains.
  • trade changes

    trade changes
    From around 1807, timber trade replaces fur trade as the main export.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    Britain was at war with France (Napolean); since Americans won their independance, they were trading with France. The British didn't like this, so captured any American boats. The Americans were now furious so started attacking the Canadians, since this was a British colony. No one really one, but it did boost Canadian economy because Britain needed trades for wood, the Canadians feel safe since Britain came to help them. People were still afraid of the Americans-if they would want to gain land.
  • Steam powered locomotives

    Steam powered locomotives
    They are built in Britian.
  • The Irish Potato Famine

    The Irish Potato Famine
    The first wave of immigrants to New France consisted of the 1st Europeans, the second wave consisted of the loyalists and teh 3rd was this one, Irish. A disease spread through the Irish crops and infected all the potatoes, which caused many to starve to death. Therefore, Irish immigrated to New France, where they would hope to start new lives; they had nothing to lose. Some went to Upper Canada because they spoke English, but most went to live in Lower Canada because they were catholics.
  • Steam powered locomotives - in Canada

    Steam powered locomotives - in Canada
    The first one crossed the Atlantic ocean. It would take 1hour to travel 30 km by train, 7 hours to travel 30 km on the road and 1 day to travel 30 km by boat.
  • Political parties

    Political parties
    The British Party was supported by the English population and controlled councils, money spent on public work. The Parti Canadien (Parti Patriote) was supported by the French population and controlled the assembly, had power over taxes.
  • Discontent and Demands

    Discontent and Demands
    Louis-Joseph Papineau wrote the 92 Resolutions to Britain; it had the 92 demands they wanted to bring to their colony. Their main demand was to have responsible government. "The last straw", you could say, is that the Assembly and the Council would never agree on anything, and the Council (English) would not listen to the French.
  • the respnse to the 92 Resolutions

    the respnse to the 92 Resolutions
    Lord John Russel returns a document with 10 resolutions responding to the 92 Resolutions 3 years later. The Patriotes are furious because it has nothing to do with their resolutions; it even gives the council more power.
  • Rebellions

    The rebellion takes place from 1837-1838. In Upper Canada it was lead by William Lyon Mackenzie, but was quickly put down because the English still agreed with Britain because they are English. In Lower Canada it was lead by Louis-Joseph Papineau and was only put down after many battles. They were poorly equiped and organised. People were hung, as a symbol, and exhiled to Australia.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Lord Durham was sent over by the King to evaluate the situation in Quebec. He wrote recommendations: increase the English immigration to assimilate the French, unie the 2 Canadas to better assimilate the French, and responsible government. They were rejected until the Act of Union, where the 2 Canadas were united (East and West), each could have 42 seats in the assembly, governor still had veto, and the old Upper Canada debt was shared.
  • Executive council

    Executive council
    The prime minister, who was the elected leader of the winning party in the Assembly, chose the elected members of the Assembly, who were in his party. This was one of the criteria to achieve responsible government.
  • Governor Lord Elgin

    Governor Lord Elgin
    He is the first to not use is veto power, no matter the pressure form the rich english merchants to use it, and allow the Primer Minister to have executive powers. This is the other criteria to achieve responsible government.
  • Canadian currency

    Canadian currency
    Canada creates its own currency.
  • The seigneurial system

    The seigneurial system
    The seigneurial system is abolished.
  • Reciprocity treaty

    Reciprocity treaty
    Since Britain has ended its preferrential status with Canada, free trade, they now have no special treatement. Canada then turns to the United States and they sign a Reciprocity treaty to last 10 years, where they can go in each others countries and sell goods without customs or duties. This advantaged Canada since the United States had a huge population, and therefore market.