Founding of the Ming Dynasty
The Mongols, after succeeding in conquering south China, had ruled for nearly one hundred years, until a peasant uprising overthrew them. Cultural exchanges of the Mongols continued to influence the Ming Dynasty. -
Portuguese Capture Ceuta and Start an Empire
Henry the Navigator, a Portuguese prince, captured the Moroccan fortress of Ceuta. His goal was to convert the inhabitants to Christianity. -
Mexica Started Conquering an Empire
Mexica, starting from Technochtitlan, launched a series of conquests to neighboring people that led to the creation of the Aztec empire. Their constant demand for tributes regarding their sacrificial ceremonies was ultimately their downfall. -
End of Zheng He's Voyages
The most ambitious Chinese voyages were led by the admiral, Zheng He. The purpose of the voyages was to convince everyone (inside and outside) the empire of the Yongle emperor’s legitimate claim to succeed his nephew as emperor. China's knowledge of the outside world increased. -
Holy Roman Emperor Elected by Nobles
The Habsburg Archduke of Austria was elected Holy Roman Empire. The ruler was elected, not heredity. -
Pachakuti Launched Inca Conquests
The Inca ruler, Pachhakuti, took power in the capital, Cuzco, and led the armies to conquer large chunks of territory along the Andes. The rate of Inca expansion was astonishing. -
Ottoman Conquest of Constantinople
Weapons noticeably improved around 1400, and the Ottomans took advantage of the newly established use of gunpowder. -
End of Hundred Year's War
A series of conflicts ensued between France and England over the succession of the French throne. Cannons and the use of gunpowder played significant roles. -
End of the Reconquista
The Reconquista was a Spanish and Christian effort to retake the Iberian peninsula from Muslims. -
Akbar Becomes Mughal Empire
The dominant power in South Asia was at its height under its greatest ruler, Emperor Akbar. He eliminated the tax that Islamic law allows Muslim rulers to collect from nonbelievers and granted Hindu communities the right to follow their own social and legal customs. -
Mikhail Romanov Becomes Russian Ruler
A "time of troubles" arose following Ivan the terrible's death. It was then, the Russian nobles offered royal power to Romanov. The Romanov dynasty continued the imperial expansion of Russia. Village-based farming was the foundation for all land-based empires and agricultural surpluses were the primary revenue for tsars.