
Timeline Final

  • Period: Nov 18, 1337 to Oct 9, 1453

    The Hundred Years' War

    This was essentially the war for Aquitane, however this became so much more once the fighting had begun because it turned into a French civil war with barons joining the English side to keep France decentralized. Each side raised spectacular support in the beginning but ultimately France ended up the victor due to Joan of Arc's relief of Orleans and the crowning of Charles VII which was the turning point for French morale.
  • Period: Jan 20, 1348 to Nov 25, 1408

    The Black Plague

    Otherwise known as the Bubonic Plague, struck mainland Europe in about 1348 and by the time it had died out(1408) there weren't enough slaves to do any work productively, causing increases in wages for lower class.
  • Sep 19, 1355

    The Hundred Years' War

    The Hundred Years' War
  • Sep 19, 1375

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
  • Nov 11, 1438

    Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges

    Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges
    This sanction asserted the authority of the council over the papacy, giving France control of their church.
  • Period: Dec 18, 1455 to Jul 3, 1471

    War of Roses

    During this time the Yorks and Lancastrians are waging civil war. The king sided with the Yorks and defeated the Lancastrians and started to obtain some tranquility and rebuild England's economy.
  • Aug 4, 1469

    The Iberian Wedding

    The Iberian Wedding
    This was essentially the marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, this marriage was a way of joining two houses to make a dynamic duo and pursue common foreign policies.
  • May 1, 1477

    Union of Burgundy & Habsburgs

    United by the marriage of Maximilian I of Austria, the strongest ruling family of the time, and Mary of Burgundy, the rich and powerful duchy. This ultimately angered the french.
  • Aug 19, 1477

    Invasion of Burgundy

    Invasion of Burgundy
    On the untimely death of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, Louis invaded Burgundy and gained territories.
  • Period: Apr 26, 1480 to Apr 26, 1521

    Magellan's Adventures

    Magellan became the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe and first to discover the Phillipines.
  • Apr 26, 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias

    The first to sail around the tip of Africa and was of Portugese descent
  • Apr 26, 1492

    "For Queen and Church"

    Spanish settlers followed the conquistadors setting up colonies and converting the natives and expanding the empire
  • Apr 26, 1493

    The Columbian Exchange

    The Columbian Exchange helped Europeans by introducing new foods to them such as potatoes and corn, while helping the new world to be supplied with slaves from Africa.
  • Sep 19, 1494

    French Invasion of Italy

    French Invasion of Italy
    Charles VIII swept through Italy with little opposition due to the Italian city-states unable to form together and rally quick enough. This would lead to further conflicts between France and The HRE(Holy Roman Empire) known as the Habsburg-Valois Wars.
  • Apr 26, 1497

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Explored up and down the coast of South America, the Americas evetually being named after him
  • Apr 26, 1497

    Vasco De Gama

    Set sail for India the long way wiht 4 ships around the Cape of Good Hope and arrived in Calicut
  • Sep 19, 1512

    Michelangelo Paints Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo Paints Sistine Chapel
    After 4 years Michelangelo is able to finish work on the sistine chapel,this was a great feat and possibly one of his best works.
  • Apr 27, 1514

    Copernicus' Heliocentrism

    Theory that the Earth revolved around the sun, however caused problems with the church because according to them this was heresy.
  • Period: Apr 26, 1517 to Apr 26, 1540

    Reformation and Counter-Reformation

    The Catholic Reformation sought to stimulate a new religious fervor but were not mutually exlusive. The Counter-Reformation was a reaction to the rise of Protestantism and involved efforts to convince dissedents or heretic to return to the church.
  • Apr 26, 1521

    Cortes' capture of Tenochtitlan

    Cortes with his native allies demolished the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, without this victory the Spanish would not have expanded as they did into the New World.
  • Sep 19, 1521

    Martin Luther's "95 Theses on the Power of Indulgences"

    Martin Luther's "95 Theses on the Power of Indulgences"
    Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses because he was upset with the current corruption of the church. He believed it was ignorant that people buy these to get out of their penance and it undermined the seriousness of sacraments. This sparked the German revolutions of 1525
  • Apr 26, 1533

    Henry VIII & The Anglican Church

    Henry VIII appointed himself head of the church and made a new branch of Christianity basically just to divorce his wife.
  • Apr 26, 1544


    Tyndale began printing the first English translation of the New Testament
  • Apr 26, 1547

    Schmalkaldic War

    The period of violence by Charles V leading to the suppression of protestant territories in his own empire.
  • Apr 26, 1550

    The Commercial Revolution

    Opened links with Asia, Africa, and the Americas leading to rapid increase of inflation because of all the availible money.
  • Apr 26, 1555

    Potestantism Spreads

    By this time most of Northern Europe had broken away from the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Apr 26, 1559

    Queen Elizabeth's Reign

    Queen Elizabeth became the first Queen of England to rule without a king, inspiring women for one of the first times to think of themselves more equal to men.
  • Apr 26, 1572

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    Slaughter of Huguenots that basically diplayed just how bad religious tensions were.
  • Rise of the Navarre

    The death of Francois dissolved the house of Valois and ensured Henri de Navarre the French Throne
  • Pope Clement VII reconizes Henri IV

    Declaration of war forces Pope Clement VIII to reconize Henri IV as king of France
  • Edict of Nantes

    Gave Protestants full civil rights and allowed Protestantism to be acknowledged as a political body.
  • End of Ivan's Dynasty

    Ivan dies, concluding the dynasty which throws Russia into a period known as the Time of Trouble
  • Galileo's technological advancements

    Galileo was a cool guy and was probably really smart and had a lot of friends cause i mean if you invent the pump or improve the telescope you should have a lot of friends.
  • Reign of James I

    Inherited after the death of Elizabeth I, struggled with Parliament over money and Puritanism
  • Period: to

    The Bohemian Phase of Absolutism In Eastern Europe

    -Civil War in Bohemia
    -Catholics vs. Protestants
    -Bohemia became completely Catholic
  • Kepler

    Revealed 3rd and final law of planetary motion
  • Period: to

    The Danish Phase of Absolutism In Eastern Europe

    -Height of Habsburg Power
    -Attempted to unify Europe
    -Growing concerns related to the Balance of Power in Europe
  • Period: to

    The Swedish Phase of Absolutism In Eastern Europe

    -Protestant Sweden enters the war
    -France saw a chance to weaken the Habsburg by supporting Swedes
    -Swedish victories ended all hope of a united Habsburg Empire
  • Period: to

    The French Phase of Absolutism In Eastern Europe

    -French enters on the side of Protestantism
    -Richelieu declared war on Habsburg Spain
    -Military and Financial assistance sent to Swedish Forces
    -Ruined the German countryside and commerce
  • Period: to

    Reign of Frederick William The Great Elector

    Believed in a strong army to protect commerce and this allowed him to have a large role in the balance of power, having the 3rd largest army in the continent.
  • English Civil War

    Fought between the Royalists, supporters of Charles I, and Puritans, supporters of Parliament
  • Period: to

    Spanish War of Succesion

  • Formation of Grand Alliance

    Formed between the English, Dutch, Austrians, and Prussians during the War of Spanish Succession
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Series of Treaties that ended the 30 Years war, essentially acknowledging the independence of the Netherlands and reduced the power of the Roman Catholic Church
  • Period: to

    The Navigation Acts

    Established by Oliver Cromwell, basically to ensure the militaristic ideas and private wealth of England
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    3 laws of motion
  • Principia Published

    3 laws of gravity publicized and some calculus stuff
  • Period: to

    The Atlantic Slave Trade

    This was the hieght of the Slave Trade in the Americas and forced areas of Africa to remain a point of strategic intrest
  • The Great Northern War

    After the hard-fought war, Peter The Great acquired the lands he wanted to build the new capital of St. Petersburg, also becoming a dominant leader in European matters and the major ruling Baltic country
  • Peace of Utrecht

    Concludes the Spanish War of Succession
  • Montesquieu

    Published book discussing seperation of powers in government and checks and balances
  • Seven Years War

    First continental war of alliances waged over the balance of power in Europe fought not on continental Europe.
  • Henry The Navigator

    Responsible for the early development of the Portugese exploration and maritime trade.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ensured British dominance over North America, booting the French out of the americas
  • Medicine

    Surgeons made large progression in the field of Anatomy through increased status in communties
  • Pugachev's Rebelion

    Basucally, this peasant named Pugachev, who I'm gunna call "P", was sick of how Russia's sefdom was treating his homies, so he tried to impersonate Catherine The Great's husband, which would've made him Czar of Russia or something so he revolted and got compoletely wrecked by Catherine's forces(oviously why shes considered great). Then my poor homie P got executed :(
  • Marriage

    -Before 1750 Premarital sex was commonplace
    -Most couples married in their 20s
    -If girls sought work outside of the family they were usually domestic servants
  • Reign of Terror

    Peasants revolt during the time of Revolutionary France and it was obviously terrifying
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Signed by members of the Third Estate that swore they would not disband until they had drawn up a new constitutuion of France
  • Storming of the Bastille

    A mob of Paris' peasants formed up and attacked the foreign troops which stayed there and stromed the bastille for weapons to supply themselves.
  • Louis XVI signed the Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Essentially the English Bill of Rights and the American Declaration of Idependence combined then given a French Label
  • Period: to

    Romantic Movement

    New ideas and ways of thinking to the ways of literature and the arts
  • Edward Jenner

    Paves way for modern vaccinations by observing how milkmaids reacted when having smallpox and cowpox
  • Coup of Brumaire

    Led by Neopoleon and over throws the Directory, a few days later he is named the First Consul of the Consulate of France
  • Treaty of Luneville

    Treaty between France and Austria to end fighting
  • Concordant of 1801

  • Treaty of Amiens

  • Napoleon restructures French Educational system

  • Metternich appointed Austrien Foreign Minister

  • Creation of The Holy Alliance

    Formed between Russia, Prussia, and Austria to secure absolutism and supress nationalism all throughout Europe
  • Carlsbad Decrees issued by German Federation

  • Greece becomes independent

  • The Reform Bill in Britain

  • Period: to

    Potato Famine in Ireland

  • Marx publishes The Communist Manifesto

  • Period: to

    Condition of Working Class improves

  • Period: to

    The Crimean War

    Fought between Russia and an allied force of Great Britain, France, and the Ottoman empire. It resulted in a Russian loss of the crimean penninsula, and the dissolution of the Holy Alliance
  • Pasteur

    Upon studying fermentation he was able to develop the method of "pasteur"ization
  • Henry Bessemer

    Patented the Bessemer method of processing steel which was inexpensive and used a cheaper material,pig iron. This revolutionized the steel industry as a whole
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Causes the collapse of the East India Company and ride of the British Raj
  • Russian Serfs Freed

  • Austro-Prussian War

  • Mendeleev

    Able to create the Periodic Table of Elements
  • Franco-Prussian War

  • Germ Theory of Disease

    Invented by Louis Pasteur, which led to the ability using this method to create cures and vaccines for multiple diseases and ailments
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Emminent scientist and inventor, credited with invention of the first practical telephone
  • First Social Security Laws

    First laws to help workers rights in Germany
  • Educational Reforms

    Changing ideas about the world that mainly affect the Catholic schools in France because of changing the way we look at things
  • Electric Streetcars Introduced to Europe

  • Birthrate Steadily Declines in Europe

    This is due to the increased self-value of women with increased rights and job oppurtunities
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    Sparked by the assasination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the Bosnian capital, although this wasnt the first incident in the balkans, ultimately the following result was the Central Powers and the Allied powers drawing a mess of conflict with the eventual allied victory which broke up the country of Austria-Hungary into territories based on ethnicity and sent the German forces into a monetary crisis with all the debt they owed to the allies while Poland was released as an independent state.
  • Period: to

    Age of Anxiety

    -Treaty of Versailles
    -Rutherford splits the atom
    -Dawes Plan
    -French occupy Ruhr
    -Kellogg-Briand Pact
    -Germany Joins League of Nations
  • Creation of League of Nations

    The first international organization whose goal was only world peace
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    Resulting in Allied Victory, the allied forces of Russia, the United States, Great Britain, and China fought against the Axis forces headed by the fascist empires of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Ultimately this resulted in the fall of the German Third Reich, and the colapse of the Italian and Japanese empires. The end of this war saw the US and Russia as the head superpowers and sparked the Cold War
  • Establishment of the United Nations

    Created to aid the idea of nations cooperating with each other, with the main objective as keeping relative peace between the major countries of the world.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Due to the Soviets blockading of all of Berlin, the UN forces flew overhead and dropped supplies down to the starving people
  • Formation of NATO

    The formation was created to essentially unify the anti-communist forces in an attempt to defend against the plague of communism casued by the soviets
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War

    Essentially a puppet war that allowed the forces of NATO and the Warsaw Past to clash indirectly, backing the forces of South and North Vietnam respectively, ultimately leading to the withdrawl of NATO forces and the war ended with the Fall of Saigon in 1975
  • Formation of The Warsaw Pact

    The defensive alliance of 8 communist countries in response of the growing threat presented by the formation of NATO
  • Creation of The Berlin Wall

    Erected almost overnight, the wall was introduced to prevent emigration from the east side of Berlin following the strict policies instituted upon the escalation of The Cold War
  • Fall of The Berlin Wall

    Due to signs leading up to the weakening of the Communist Bloc, the East Germans took advantage of their communist leaders trying to loosen their reigns on the people.
  • Period: to

    The Gulf War

    Biggest joint country effort since WWII
  • Fall of The USSR

    The dissolution of the USSR released all the nations of the Warsaw Pact and created the Commonwealth of Independant Nations.On the previous day, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, resigned, declared his office extinct, and handed over its powersincluding control of the Soviet nuclear missile launching codes to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. That evening at 7:32 p.m., the Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time and replaced with the Pre-Revolutionary Russian Flag
  • Period: to

    Post- USSR

    -Creation of the European Union
    -Maastricht treaty sets financial criteria for European Monetary union
    -"Shock Therapy" In Russia declines economy
    -Illegal Immigration Into Europe grows
    -Growing support for Global Human rights
  • Period: to

    First Chechen War

    Started with Chechnya declaring independence from the Russian Federation, the RF then reacted by declaring war upon Chechnya
  • Period: to

    Second Chechen War

    The war that reasserted Russian control over the region