1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act
States were being funded by the ESEA to supporth equity education mainly targeting education programs and disadvantage studetns. Federal involvement was justified. -
1983 Report “Reclaiming our Nation at Risk
"It recommended "that schools, colleges, and universites, adopt more rigorous and measurable standards, and higer expectations, for academic performance...and that 4-year colleges and universities, raise their requirements for admission." -
1994 Improving America’s Schools Act and Goals 2000 Educate America Act
Improving America's schols act of 1994 required state academinc content standards and tests, and the Goals 2000: Educate American Act (1994) provided federal funds to aid states in writing those content and standards. -
2002 ESEA Reauthorization: “No Child Left Behind”
It built on the foundation in the laid in the 1980s and the 1990s by ensuring that states accepting the federal government's targeted investments agree to measure and report on results in terms of standards and acocountability; publication of these test results means that parents, taxpayers, educators, and policymakers, have more information at their fingertips than ever before, which has made possible a more informed national dialogue on education. -
2007 ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
The latest reincarnation of ESEA, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was signed into law in January of 2002. It was due to be reauthorized by October 1, 2007 -
2007 ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
The NCLB failed to be reauthorized and continues to be pending in our congress. New acts have come out because of this. -
2009 Race to the Top Grant Competition
To be eligible to compete, states must have their second round State Fiscal Stabilization applications approved by the U.S. Department of Education and not have any legal, statutory or regulatory barriers to linking data on student achievement or student growth to teachers and principals for evaluation purposes. July 24, 2009 -
2010 ESEA Reauthorization: A Blueprint for Reform
Builds on the significant reforms already made in response to
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 around four areas: 1) improving teacher and principal effectiveness 2) communication with families 3) implementing college/career ready standards 4) Improving
student learning and achievement in America’s lowest-performing schools