
  • Massachuettes Law of 1647

    Massachuettes Law of 1647
    Education was a necessity. All children, and servants as well, should be able to be taught by a parent.
    Progress started when parents neglected or became more lenient about the teaching. The children would not be able to meet basic criteria it would the government's right to remove the child and put them in a home that would teach them. This set the pace for the importance of education.
  • Christian Wolf- 1734

    Christian Wolf- 1734
    Psychologist Christian Wolf defines the human mind. Faculty Psychology, this doctrine holds that the mind can best be developed through mental discipline or tedious drill and repetition of basic skill and the eventual study of abstract subjects such as classical philosophy, literature, and language.This is the start of research into the human mind and gathering information.
  • Three "R"s

    Three "R"s
    Established Reading,'riting,'rithmetic
    This was the basis for education and testing. The three R's became the crucial learning point.
  • IQ test introduced

    IQ test introduced
    The French government asked Binet to help decide which students were most likely to experience difficulty in school. It was referred to as the Binet-Simon Scale which uses a single number, known as the intelligence quotient (IQ), to represent an individual score on the test.verywellmind.com

    CAHSEE is the California High School Exit Examination. A lot of controversies surrounded the test. California Governor Brown suspends the exit exam (CAHSEE) for Controversy until 7/31/18