Timeline Project Final 2022

By 808244
  • Indian Citizenship Act Passed

    The Indian Citizenship Act granted American citizenship to Native Americans, but many were still not allowed to vote for decades. This act was also passed largely with the goal of assimilating Native Americans to American culture without actually granting them all the same rights as other Americans.
  • Hoover Dam Authorized

    President Herbert Hoover authorized the construction of the Hoover Dam for a multitude of reasons. The dam provided flood control for the Colorado river and hydroelectric power. The dam was built with New Deal funds as part of a project of the Public Works Administration, employing tens of thousands of men. This stimulated the economy and was crucial to drastically lowering unemployment rates.
  • Hoover Inaugurated

    Hoover Inaugurated
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  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    This political cartoon depicts a man effected by the stock market crash. The man says "I guess I've got everything!" He is wearing a barrel that reads "compliments of Wall St.", implying that the initial success and subsequent downfall of the stock market is the reason the man has nothing left.
  • Al Capone Opened a Soup Kitchen

    Al Capone Opened a Soup Kitchen
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  • Japan Invaded Manchuria

    Japan Invaded Manchuria
    This map is a visual representation of how Japan invaded Manchuria. Japan gained control of this area, and subsequently caught the attention of the League of Nations who were trying to maintain world peace but had no real way of effectively doing so.
  • Hoovervilles Began to Appear

  • Norris-LaGuardia Act Passed

    The Norris-LaGuardia act prevented "yellow dog" contracts between workers and employers. These were contracts in which the employer stated the worker was not allowed to join a union. The elimination of yellow dog contracts was another win for the rights of workers and a restriction of corporation's ability to abuse their power and exploit workers.
  • FDR Elected President

    Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt Wins the Presidential Race! America awaits his term with anticipation and the hope that he can clean up former President Hoover's mess!
  • 20th Amendment Ratified

    The 20th Amendment Has Been Added to the Constitution! Presidential terms to begin and end at noon on the 20th of January.
  • AAA Established

    During the Depression, farmers were struggling with low crop prices due to massive overproduction of farmed goods throughout the country. The Agricultural Adjustment Act paid farmers subsidies to reduce their production of certain crops. This decreased over production which in turn stabilized the plummeting prices of certain farm products.
  • TVA Established

    TVA Established
    The Tennessee Valley Authority Act initiated a project to provide control of the Tennessee river. This political cartoon depicts the dam, holding strong except for a crack labeled "Morgan's charges." This refers to TVA director Arthur E. Morgan. Allegations against him prompted a congressional investigation of the TVA, weakening the strength of the project.
  • Glass-Steagall Act Passed

    The Glass-Steagall Act prevented commercial banks from making risky investments with money from customers. This protected the customers' money and insured the deposits they put into banks.
  • PWA Created

    The Public Works Administration initiated a series of public work projects such as construction on dams, highways, and bridges. These projects employed hundreds of thousands of previously unemployed Americans. This not only lowered unemployment rates, but it overall stimulated the economy.
  • SF-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins

    SF-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins
    This map demonstrates how the SF-Oakland bay bridge connects the Peninsula and the East Bay. The bridge is miles long and employed many people during its construction.
  • Prohibition Repealed

    Prohibition Repealed
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  • Gold Reserve Act Passed

    Gold is a Commodity, Not a Currency! With the recently passed Gold Reserve Act, the US dollar is no longer valued in relation to gold.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    This political cartoon is displaying an argument against the Wagner Act, which gave more power to unions. In the cartoon, the union leader is holding a suitcase that reads "Workers' Union Dues" and is overflowing with money. The workers are chained like prisoners to him. This is saying that unions are benefitting more from the Wagner Act than the actual workers it was supposed to help in the first place.
  • First Social Security Number Issued

    John D. Sweeney Jr. Has Been Issued the First Social Security Number The newly passed Social Security Act provides a steady income after retirement.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act Passed

    Fair Labor Standards Act Passed
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