Timeline Project EN209- Student Populations and School Policy in the United States 1600-1800 and 1900-Modern Day
Period: to
Massachusetts Compulsory School Law- Policy/Population of those educated
This was the first education law in the United States. This law was inspired by the Puritan lifestyle of the first American settlers, it states that all children should learn to read and write in order to understand religious principles and capital laws. The child must be taught by a parent, master of their apprenticeship, or hired person.
Massachussetts Passes First Education Law -
Founding of Darthmouth College- Population of those educated
"The Dartmouth charter reads,'for the youth of the Indian Tribes...and Christianizing Children of Pagans... and also of English youth and others' " Dartmouth was a faint attempt at 'civilizing' Native Americans, but was mostly made of white youth. Spring p.28Founding of Dartmouth College -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 - Early National Legislation- Policy/Population of those educated
This created the Northwest Territory, consisting of 36 sections, the 16th section was to be a school."The act contained a statement that schools and education should forever be encouraged for the benefit of human happiness and good government. These acts became a precedent for land grants to the states for public schools and colleges." Puliam and Van Patten p.126 Congress Enacts Northwest Ordinance -
Period: to
Racially Segregated Schools
Segregation in USA In the "...late eighteenth century until Brown vs. Board of Education there were racially segregated schools. This meant more than a racial divide: It also resulted in unequal funding of schools. Educational segregation resulted in unequal educational opportunities." Spring p.117 -
Period: to
1900-Modern Day
Formation of National Child Labor Committee-Policy/Population of those educated
The National Child Labor Committee's goal was to have compulsory education for all children.They worked for many years and their eventual result was the "triumphal passage in 1938 of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which contained strong NCLC-designed child labor provisions, and which passed muster with the Supreme Court."NCLC formed -
Brown vs. Board of Education- Policy/Population of those educated
Brown argued for his daughter to be able to go their neighborhood elementary school instead of having to travel an hour to the all black school.The Supreme Court "argued in the Brown decision, 'In the field of public education the doctrine of 'seperate but equal' has no place. Seperate educational facilities are inherently unequal." Spring p. 388Racial Segregation of Public Schools Declared Unconstitutional -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965- Policy/Population of those educated
President Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as a response to the "war on poverty" at the time. "Prior to this act becoming law, the federal government has very little involvement in education, opting to leave it as a state and local matter. This Act changed that and despite provisions against a national curriculum, set national standards for achievement." -Signing of the ESEA bill -
No Chid Left Behind- Policy/Population of those educated
President George W. Bush signed this current update of the ESEA. No Child Left Behind brought along standardized testing for reading and writing for grades 3-8 and once in high school in hopes that by the end of the 2014 school year all students will be at grade level. Much motivation behind NCLB came from America scoring much lower than other countries in reading and writing. An Overview of NCLB -
Multicultural American Education System- Population
Race and Schools: The Need for ActionThere has been significant growth of people immigrating to the United States in the 19th and 20th century in hopes to live the 'American Dream'. This has resulted in the many races represented in the student body of USA's schools. America's schools are also made up of children with special needs, low income and many different backgrounds. Much work has been put into the improvement of school life for students but, there is still much to be done.