Magna Carta
firstdemocracyMadeIn1215 -
Jamestown Founded
FoundedIn1607FirstSucessfulColony -
House of Burgess
1stReplubicGovernmentCreatedIn1619 -
Mayflower Compact
MadeIn1620ASocialContact -
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
The1stContitutionCreatedIn1639 -
Navigation Act
Madein1651LimitWhatcoloniesImported -
English Bill of Rights
MadeIn1681The10Admendments -
Zenger Trial
FreedomOfPressPeterZangerWasImportant -
French and Indian War
FrenchvsBritishThe7YearWar -
Treaty of Paris,
DefeatofFranceEndofWar -
Proclamation Line
KeepColonistToMoveWestPlaceColonistIsForbidden -
Sugar Act
TaxOnSugarPassedTheLawIn1764 -
Stamp Act
MadeColonistsPayPayForStamp -
Quartering Act
GetOutofMyHouseSoildersActInMay3,1767 -
Townshend Act
TariffOnGoodsMadeIn1767 -
Boston Massacre
1stAficanAmericanKilled5PeopleKilled -
Tea Act
TaxOnTeaOnlyTeaHadATariff -
Boston Tea Party
ByeByeTeaTeaInOcean -
Intolerable Act
AHarshLawPunishment -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
ShotHeardAroundTheWorldFirstBattleOfRevolution -
2nd Continental Congress
Represent13ColoniesMadeIn1775 -
Battle of Bunker Hill
BritianWonThisBattleBritain1stWin -
Common Sense Act
WrittenByThomasCreatedIn1776 -
Declaration of Independence
SepratedFromBritainTheColonistFreedom -
Battle of Saratoga
TheColonistWonTheTurningPoint -
Period: to
Winter of Valley Forge
ItWasVeryCold1777To1778 -
Article of Confederation
DeclareTheIndependentMadeIn1781 -
Battle of Yorktown
TheLastBattleTheColonistWon -
Treaty of Paris