2200 BCE
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greeks are famous for their ideas and philosophies on government, which today many civilizations still carry out. It was in the Athens when democracy was first created -
27 BCE
Ancient Roman Empire
Aristocrats were known as patricians. The highest positions in the government were held by two councils, or leaders, who ruled the roman republic. -
Magna Carta
A very important document in history that established the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to fair trial. -
Petition of Rights
A statement of civil liberties sent by the English Parliament to Charles I. The petition contained restrictions on non-parliamentary taxation, forced billeting of soldiers, imprisonment without cause, and the use of marital law. -
English Bill of Rights
Was an act or parliament. Gave certain rights of the citizens of England from the power of royalty. -
John Locke
Locke was an English Philosopher, who believed hat human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance. -
Had a type of representative government. Each tribe had its own elected officials. The Chiefs would attend the Iroquois council where major decisions were made regarding the five nations. The tribes also had their own leaders to make local decisions. -
A French philosopher, that had the ideas about separation of powers became the basis for the U.S. constitution. Montesquieu However did not believe that all people were equal and he also supported slavery. -
Thomas Paine
An English writer who was famous for writing "common sense" which helped influence the Declaration of Independence.