My Birth
i was born in my local town called Arad on 30 of May 2000. i was the third boy in the family, so i did not get all the attention but i still got the most spoiled. -
diagnosed for having astham
had asthma attacks when i was young, i couldn't sleep neither play at all. this was a time of struggle fro me. this has destroyed my childhood. this shaped it by having less socializing with others. -
first Day of Kindergarten
first day at my local kindergarten. this was the first time spent most of my time without my mother or a relative taking care of me so it really changed my personality. it made me less confident as a person always scared. -
First day of school
i was super nervous and scared. this is time change to me. this time i was alone and learned a lot of things i this period. this time when my confidence came back to me. -
My younger brother is born
he was born on 27 April 2007. as his older brother i was responsible of taking care of him. but i didn't just toke care of him we became best friends. made me a more responsible person. -
Moving schools for the first time
this when i change from a government school to a private. this was like having start a new life, like a new birth for me. but my parents did it for my future. made me proud of myself and confident. -
treatment for asthma
when i was 10 i started treatment. it was 4 years of weekly anti asthma attacks injunction. this treatment meant that i can play and have a normal life. it never went but it is much better now. this made me appreciate things that i have and always thank God. -
My middle School Graduation
Graduating middle school in Tylos school. this was a time when i became a teenager and my behavior and skills changed dramatically. i became more stronger and confident. -
First time visiting Europ
this was my first ever road trip. this trip made me really appreciate life and thank my parents for all there hard work to give me this pleasing time. -
First Day in MKS
this when i moved from Tylos private school to MKS. this changed ,y life because i struggled in my first year, but is it also me realize the importance of learning for my future. made me more a serious person. -
Yemeni civil War
this was in Yemen and it faced a threat on the gulf. this brought the gulf together to stop them. this made me realize the power the united countries and the love between the gulf countries. -
The US elections
this was the first time following the elections. this was my first time thinking of politics and it effects on my life. this my beginning of my transformation from a teenager to an adult.