Timeline Project

  • mexican revolution

  • World War I start

  • bolshevik revloution

  • Bolshevik Revolution begins

  • world war 1 end

  • Treaty of Versailles (WWI)

  • League of Nations formed

  • US women’s suffrage grante

  • “Black Tuesday”

  • First global census take

  • world war 2 start

  • Bombing of Pearl Harbo

  • D-day start

  • D-day end

  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

  • world war 2 end

  • Marshall Plan initiated

  • cold war start

  • Indian independence granted

  • Communist People’s Republic of China formed

  • Korean War start

  • Korean War end

  • Sputnik lands

  • “Great Leap Forward” start

  • “Congo crisis” begins

  • “Great Leap Forward” end

  • Silent Spring published

  • Cuban Missile Crisis begins

  • Cultural Revolution begins

  • First UN peacekeeping mission

  • US lands man on moon

  • Bangladesh created

  • Chernobyl explosion

  • Tiananmen Square massacre

  • World Wide Web created

  • cold war end

  • Panama Canal fully under Panamanian control