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Timeline Project

  • Staples

    When I was a year or so old, I had my first serious injury. I had been crawling around my living room when I pulled on the cord of a lamp, resulting in the lamp tipping over and breaking on our table. But the worst part about this was that I then crawled out from underneath the table and a piece of glass landed on my head, creating a big cut. I was rushed to the emergency room and ended up needing my head stapled because of how bad the cut was.
  • Starting Dance

    Starting Dance
    When I was three years old my parents enrolled me in dance classes. It was at the recreation center a few streets over from my house and I absolutely loved it. I was given the responsibility to memorize choreography and the opportunity to learn to work with others. It was also my favorite part of my week. To this day I still dance but at an actual studio where I am given much more complicated choreography and it is still the highlight of my week.
  • My Best Friend

    My Best Friend
    Ever since I could talk, I would constantly bother my parents about getting a cat and when I was five years old, my dreams finally came true. My dad had gone to the pet store to buy birdseed when he noticed that there was an adoption event for rescue animals going on. As he was looking around at the cats, one came up to the front of the cage to greet him and about an hour later, my dad came home with Shadow. I was completely surprised and she's been my best friend since
  • Saying Goodbyes

    Saying Goodbyes
    When I was seven years old I lost both of my Grandmothers within a year of each other. These deaths were particularly hard because after they died I didn't have any grandparents still alive. Growing up it's been hard to talk about grandparents with other people but one thing I have learned from these deaths is to never take people for granted.
  • Piano Lessons

    Piano Lessons
    Like most younger siblings, I wanted to do everything my older brother did. When I was seven years old I was sitting in the car with my mom and brother when he said that he wanted to start taking piano lessons. I, of course, then decided that I wanted to start taking lessons as well and it was one of the best decisions that I ever made. Although unlike my brother, I still play to this day and it is one of my favorite things to do.
  • Flying Front Seat

    Flying Front Seat
    When I was ten years old, my family went on a cruise to Alaska. On this trip, we took a helicopter ride up to a glacier where we were able to walk around on the top of it. But as we were about to get on the helicopter, the pilot told my family that I had to sit up in between the pilot and one other person because I was so small. At first,​ it was terrifying because there was glass on the floor to see below us but after a little while, I realized it was one of the coolest experiences.
  • Crutches

    In sixth grade, I would go with my friend to our weekly Girl Scout meetings and then hang out at her house until my mom picked me up. One day, we decided to climb up to the top of her swing set and sit on the top part of the monkey bars. For some reason, we then decided to jump from the top to the ground, but being the clumsy person I am, I landed wrong and ended up spraining my ankle. It was so bad that I ended up needing crutches and we never did that again.
  • The Festive of Music

    The Festive of Music
    In ninth grade, I was one of two freshmen in our school's Chamber Orchestra. That year, part of our music department went on a trip to Washington D.C. to perform against other schools in the Festive of Music, including the Chamber Orchestra. After months of preparation, we drove down to D.C. and performed the best we ever had. Later that day we were told by our conductor that we had won. It was an amazing feeling to be a part of the ensemble and be fortunate enough to win the competition.
  • Sweet Sixteen

    Sweet Sixteen
    I never really wanted a Sweet Sixteen until about three months before my sixteenth birthday. And although it was a bit stressful, my family was able to put together an amazing party that was everything I could've wanted. It was a small party with most of my family and friends but that was exactly what I had wanted. The best part about the whole night was being able to dance and have fun with everyone I cared about
  • Crew Mom

    Crew Mom
    Since freshman year, I have done crew for our school plays. In our crew, there is a made-up position known as Crew Mom who is basically the "mom friend" of the group. This position is passed down at the end of each spring musical to a junior and this year it was passed down to me. This was an accomplishment for me because the position also means that the person is responsible and caring which I strive to be on a daily basis.
  • The Most Magical Trip

    The Most Magical Trip
    Once again, our high school music department went on another trip in order to perform but this time the trip was to Disney. Our Orchestra did a workshop where we learned music from actual Disney movies and played them over a short animation. During this trip, I made so many friends and became closer to other friends. We spent three days in parks as well, where we were able to go on a bunch of rides. This was probably the most fun trip I've been on.
  • Falling Down

    Falling Down
    Instead of a traditional Easter like we usually have, my family decided that we would have some fun and go fishing. But, being that it was late April, the streams were pretty rough and high, making it difficult to walk around in the water plus, I'm pretty clumsy. As I was walking through the water, I somehow lost my balance and ended up falling in the water, getting soaked. And although it was pretty funny, it was also pretty embarrassing and pretty uncomfortable.