
Timeline Project APWH

By Jasor
  • 9000 BCE

    Neolithic Revolution

    Neolithic Revolution
    This was the change from Hunting and Gathering to the Domestication of Animals and sustaining of agriculture. Led to permanent settlements and decreased nomadic tendencies.
  • 551 BCE

    Confucius is Born

    Confucius is Born
    Confucius, a Chinese philosopher and creator of the religion Confucianism is born. He would live an undocumented life but left his mark on the world.
  • 333 BCE

    Persian Babylonia is Conquered

    Persian Babylonia is Conquered
    Alexander the Great conquered Babylon in 333 BC for the Greeks. He later dies in 323 BC.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth is Born

    Jesus of Nazareth is Born
    Jesus is born of Jewish faith and becomes a preacher and religious leader for the central of Christianity. Believed to be the Son of God.
  • 300

    Beginning of Trans-Saharan trade

    Marks the begging of trade along the trans-Saharan passage through Africa and much of the middle east. Things traded were among Gold, salt, copper, and captives.
  • 380

    Chandragupta Rules over India

    Chandragupta II reigns over Gupta india. Art, architecture, and sculpture flourished, and the cultural development of ancient India achieved new heights.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Smallpox spreads from India to Europe

    Smallpox spreads from India to Europe
    Smallpox spread through from India to Europe from Mongols who were conquering and trade routes. Remained a human epidemic for 2000 years
  • Dec 4, 814

    Battle of Versinikia

    This battle between the Bulgarians and the Byzantine Empire led to a major loss on Byzantine's side. The Bulgarians - for the first time -had an opening straight into Constantinople.
  • Jan 1, 900

    Collapse of the Mayan Empire

    Collapse of the Mayan Empire
    Lowland Mayan Empire collapses. During the 9th century AD, the central Maya region suffered major political collapse, marked by the abandonment of cities, the ending of dynasties, and a northward shift in activity.
  • Mar 10, 1076

    Salt Monopolies

    The Chinese Song dynasty places strict government monopolies over the production and distribution of sulfur and salt, in order to lower the possibility of merchants selling gunpowder formula to enemies such as the Tanguts and Khitans.
  • Sep 5, 1096

    First Teachings at Oxford

    First Teachings at Oxford
    In 1096, the first recorded teachings at Oxford University in England took place. It is, however, unknown when Oxford was built or began construction
  • Jun 19, 1237

    Mongols conquer Kieven Rus

    The Mongols were on a conquest through Europe when they crossed into Kieven Rus territory. They destroyed many cities and eventually ended the reign of Kieven Russia.
  • Feb 8, 1347

    Black Death kills a third of the population of Europe

    The Black Death is thought to have originated in the arid plains of Central Asia, where it then traveled along the Silk Road. It eventually spread through rats throughout Europe. Killed roughly 75 million people or 1/6 of the world population and 1/3 of Europe's population
  • Jun 8, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovers the Americas

    Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer, and citizen of the Republic of Genoa. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Jul 12, 1506

    Leonardo da Vinci completes the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci completes the Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa a Half-Length portrait of a woman made on an oil canvas. It began being painted in 1503 and was completed three years later 1506
  • Jul 31, 1518

    Dancing Plague of 1518

    Dancing Plague of 1518
    This plague randomly broke out when one woman began dancing in the street, many others soon followed and danced until they had heart attacks or heat stroke. Modern theories include food-poisoning caused by the toxic and psychoactive chemical products, which grows commonly on grains in the wheat family.
  • Jan 1, 1526

    Mughal Empire begins its Reign

    The Mughal empire extended over large parts of the Indian subcontinent and Afghanistan. The empire was the second largest to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, spanning 4 million square kilometers at its zenith, after the Maurya Empire, which spanned 5 million square kilometers.
  • Aug 2, 1529

    Inca Civil War

    The war erupted when two brothers wanted succession of the throne and fought over it. The war lasted 3 years and was won by Atahualpa.
  • Aug 27, 1537

    Sweden Gains independence from Kalmar Union

    Before Sweden was exempt from the Kalmar Union it had little freedom or independence. After its annexation it had more religious freedom.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII Dies

    Henry VIII Dies
    Henry VIII died from many health problems relating to his obesity. According to legend, His last words were, "Monks!, Monks!, Monks!".