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History Timeline Project

  • 13th Amendment(African Americans)

    13th Amendment(African Americans)
    Abolished slavery in America.
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement Timeline

    This will be a timeline explaining the Civil Rights movement affect between 1865-1964.
  • 14th Amendment(All races)

    14th Amendment(All races)
    Rights of citizenship to everybody born or becoming a citizen to the U.S. and will be treated equal under the law
  • 15th Amendment(All races)

    15th Amendment(All races)
    All races shall not be denied the right to vote.
  • The creation of the Tuskegee Institute(African Americans)

    The creation of the Tuskegee Institute(African Americans)
    The founder of the Tuskegee Institute is Booker T. Washington and it is the first school created for higher education for African Americans.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson(African Americans)

    Plessy v. Ferguson(African Americans)
    The supreme court ruled African Americans "separate but equal".
  • NAACP created(All races)

    NAACP created(All races)
    W. E. B. DuBois and Ida Wells made the NAACP to fight segregation and discrimination for African Americans in education, jobs, voting, and transportation in America.
  • 19th Amendment(Women/all races)

    19th Amendment(Women/all races)
    The right to vote should not be denied by sex(Women get the right to vote)
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) proposed(Women/All races)

    Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) proposed(Women/All races)
    This amendment was proposed by the National Woman's party to end discrimination and provide legal equality for sexes. The amendment was proposed in 1923 but was defeated in 1972.
  • Executive Order 9981(African Americans)

    Executive Order 9981(African Americans)
    The president ended discrimination in the military.
  • Brown v. Board of Education(African Americans)

    Brown v. Board of Education(African Americans)
    Allowed African Americans and other races in public schools, also it overturned Plessy v. Ferguson rule that "separate but equal".
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott(African Americans)

    Montgomery Bus Boycott(African Americans)
    A Civil Rights protest where African Americans refused to sit in segregated seats. The key individual was Rosa Parks.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed(African Americans)

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed(African Americans)
    It progressed civil rights in a non-violent manner and the leader of the SCLC is MLK.
  • Little Rock 9(African Americans)

    Little Rock 9(African Americans)
    Governor Orval Faubus prevented 9 African American students from entering high school. President Eisen sent the National Guard to get the students into school.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957(All races)

    Civil Rights Act of 1957(All races)
    President Eisenhower established a commision on Civil Rights to check right violations and also established a Civil Rights Division within the Department of Justice.
  • Greensboro, NC Sit-ins(African Americans)

    Greensboro, NC Sit-ins(African Americans)
    4 African American students sat at a whites only lunch counter and refused to leave once being denied service, furthermore they did this to combat racial segregation.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) formed(African Americans)

     Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) formed(African Americans)
    Student political organization civil rights movement group that used non-violent tactics for fighting discrimination.
  • Chicano Movement (Mural Movement)(Mexican Americans)

    Chicano Movement (Mural Movement)(Mexican Americans)
    Mexican-American civil rights movement. Artists began using walls of city buildings, housing projects, schools, and churches to depict Mexican-American culture to help spread the awareness for Mexican American civil rights.
  • Dr. King’s: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”(African Americans)

    Dr. King’s: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”(African Americans)
    He defends the strategy of nonviolent resistance to racism and MLK becomes a leader for the civil rights movement.
  • March on Washington: “I have a dream” speech(All races)

    March on Washington: “I have a dream” speech(All races)
    He protested and called for civil rights to end racism in the US.
  • 24th Amendment(All races)

    24th Amendment(All races)
    Prohibits the poll tax in elections.