Soldier british trench western front world war

timeline project

  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany
    The cause of this war is because there were unrestricted submarine warfare and congress approved a resolution declaring war with Germany.
  • the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand took a wrong turn in Bosnia and got shot twice by Gavrilo Princip which was because he wanted to destroy Austro-Hungarian rule in the Balkans and to unite the south slav peoples into a federal nation, But then he killed Archduke's wife Sophie by shooting her in her abdomen. After this happened it created ww1 because of many reasons.
  • why archduke was so important

    why archduke was so important
    Franz Ferdinand's assassination led to the July Crisis and precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia, which in turn triggered a series of events that eventually led – four weeks after his death – to Austria-Hungary's allies and Serbia's allies declaring war on each other, starting World War I.
  • Austria Hungary invades Russia

    Austria Hungary  invades Russia
    When Franz Ferdinand died there was tension with the Balkans. Then the crisis spreaded and people support either Austria or Serbia. But Austria knew that Serbia would involve Russia.
  • Italy declaring war on Austria-hungary

    Italy declaring war on Austria-hungary
    Italy was with the triple alliance with Germany and Austria Hungary. But Italy remained neutral and then there was a disagreement that led to Italy going to war with Austria Hungary.
  • Germany attacks Verdun

    Germany attacks Verdun
    Germany had attacked Verdun because the French fortress of Verdun had threatened the main Germany communication lines.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Somme fought so that they could take the pressure of the French. They also did this so that they could wear down the Germany army.
  • Battle of Somme end

    Battle of Somme end
    The British commander had called a halt to his army's offensive near the Somme River. Which ended the battle of the Somme.
  • Russia signs Armistance with Germany

    Russia signs Armistance with Germany
    They did this because Russia lost all of Ukraine and most of Belarus. Then they also lost three Baltic republics.
  • Italy and Austria war end

    Italy and Austria war end
    The Italians had won the war and they had taken 300,000 prisoners. Then the war was over.
  • ending and starting

    ending and starting
    World War 1 started on July 28th, of 1914 and ended on November 11th, 1918 over the death of Archduke and his wife Sophie.
  • British and American forces enter Germany

    British and American forces enter Germany
    The British and American forces had fought their way into Western Germany. Then the American forces had made a Germany city fall.
  • United states Senate fails to ratify Treaty of Versailes

    United states Senate fails to ratify Treaty of Versailes
    The Lodge sent to the Senate floor a treaty with 14 reservations. But they don't have an amendment, and the Lodge resolution also failed on a 39-55 vote.
  • Treaty of Versailles takes affect

    Treaty of Versailles takes affect
    It went into effect and let Germany territories to neighboring countries. It also let German territories under international supervision.
  • United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany

    United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany
    The United States had signed a peace treaty to Germany but it never joined the League of Nations. They also had friendly relations.