Timeline Project

  • Entry 1

    Entry 1
    Anne works with her dad on her family tree. She is also reading the Joop ter Heul series. She has a few school books and works very hard especially in french.
  • Period: to

    Time span

  • Submarine ( event )

    Submarine ( event )
    At 7.18 AM, in the Arctic Ocean, a German submarine fired 5 torpedoes on American ( Bellingham ) and British ( Liberty) ships. Some people died ( 6 crews ).
  • Deposit number 36 ( event )

    Deposit number 36 ( event )
    On this date, 1000 french jews were transported from the Dancy camp, an internment camp, to Auschwitz, one of the biggest german death camp. It was a big massacre since only 26 of them survived.
  • Matanikau September action ( event )

    Matanikau September action ( event )
    An important combat took place in Matnikau river, in Salomon Island, in the Pacific ocean. This battle lasted 4 days ( 23-27 ). It opposed The United-States and Japan. The USA successfully killed japaneses but 32 U.S marines died and The United States lost the battle.
  • Hitler's ex-chief of staff( event )

    Hitler's ex-chief of staff( event )
    On september 24th 1942, Hitler sacks his chief of staff. This action caused a bad relation ship with his generals.They started to think that maybe the war was unwinnable because they underestimated the russian army.
  • Entry 2

    Entry 2
    Anne talked about Peter to the Van Daans. Anne discribed an ingenious way her father was able to give a sign of life to his collegues using letters.
  • Vegetables ( entry )

    Vegetables ( entry )
    Mrs Van Daan wants Anne to eat more vegetables. Anne is very happy that that this woman is not her mother. Anne is happy when her father takes her side during a quarrel at the dinner table.
  • Another Quarrel ( entry )

    Another Quarrel ( entry )
    Anne is surprised by how adults quarrel so easily. Ms Van Daan provokes her mom but she defended herself well on the subject of modesty and embarassed her.
  • Petworth ( event )

    Petworth ( event )
    At 10:25 am, a german bomber aimed 3 bombs at troops on the ground near Petworth in England. They missed the troops but a bomb ricocheted and hit a boy school . Of the 80 children that were there, 28 were killed.
  • The plumber ( entry )

    The plumber ( entry )
    She talked about the way they all choose the best place to wash themselves privately. A plumber came in the building and they could not speak or move during 3 days.