Timeline Project

  • René Leanne invented the Stethoscope

    René Leanne invented the Stethoscope
  • James Blundell performed the first successful blood transfusion

    James Blundell performed the first successful blood transfusion
  • The first printing of the U.S. Pharmacopeia

    The first printing of the U.S. Pharmacopeia
  • Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaimé Caventou first isolated Quinine from the quinquina trees bark

    Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaimé Caventou first isolated Quinine from the quinquina trees bark
  • Charles Henri Leroux first isolated the “miracle” drug Salicylic acid, or proto-aspirin

    Charles Henri Leroux first isolated the “miracle” drug Salicylic acid, or proto-aspirin
  • Oliver Wendell Holmes found the cause of puerperal fever

    Oliver Wendell Holmes found the cause of puerperal fever
  • Horace Wells first demonstrated nitrous oxide as an anesthetic

    Horace Wells first demonstrated nitrous oxide as an anesthetic
  • John Hughes Bennet first described leukemia as a blood disorder

    John Hughes Bennet first described leukemia as a blood disorder
  • Charles Babbage first devised the ophthalmoscope

    Charles Babbage first devised the ophthalmoscope