• Period: to

    Infancy: Cognitive Development (Sensorimotor)

    During this time I explored my surrounding. I learned how things sounded, looked, smelt, and tasted.
  • Period: to

    Big Five

    The Big Five personality test reflected a pretty accurate self description. My results were pretty much exactly how I thought of myself. Some characteristics that have remained constant through out my life, and will most likely stay constant, are: curiosity, achievement striving, positive, trusting, and easy going .
  • Birth

    Born 9:26 am in Arlington Memorial Hospital room 207
  • Infancy: Language

    First words were "ya-ya" which to me meant outside
  • Infancy: Physical Development

    Infancy: Physical Development
    I was about 12-13 months old when I started to throwing things.
    (Seconds later I threw the ice cream cone)
  • Infancy: Social Development

    Infancy: Social Development
    I was definitely and extroverted baby. And this went along with my parents very well. It made it really easy for us to bond over even the littlest of stuff.
  • Infancy: Sleep Progression

    As an infant I slept a typical 15 hours.
  • Infancy: Cognitive/Emotional Development (Stress)

    As an Infant I would mostly just cry.
  • First Memory

    My first memory occurred when I was about 2 or 3. I was hanging a yo-yo from the stairs. I stuck my arm through the railing to dangle a red yo-yo in front of the TV my parents were watching.
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood: Cognitive (Preoperational)

    I learned how to express ideas through writing. I used to spend the afternoons drawing or painting with my grandmother.
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    I tuned my gross motor skills by running and walking. I tuned my fine motor skills by writing.
  • Early Childhood: Sleep Progression

    In Early Childhood I slept 10 hours.
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood: Emotional Development

    My dad was very emotion-coaching. He always told me to never bottle up my emotions, and to communicate them even if its out loud to myself.
  • Death of Mother

    Death of Mother
    I was about 4 and a half when my birth mother died of complications with her medication
  • Period: to

    The Effect of Losing A Loved One

    I think that losing two mothers has really affected me. Obviously it's made me sad and upset but I also think it has helped to make me more empathetic, wise, and mature.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive/Emotional Development (Stress)

    I would just dismiss it and pretend that it did't or wasn't happening.
  • Dad Remarried

    He got married
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive/Language Development

    My parents used to read bedtime stories to me. This helped to increase my cognition and understanding of language. When I was 8 my grandfather got me a word of the day calendar, and through that I learned many new words.
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    I noticed my vision was terrible because I couldn't see the board. This was in second grade.
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development (Concrete Operational)

    I spent these years learning everything I could about science and math. I used to force my grandfather to explain chemistry to me (I didn't understand much).
  • Middle Childhood: Cognitive/Emotional Development (Stress)

    I would write what was stressing me out on a piece of paper. Once I was finished, I would say "wow that's dumb" then tear it up and throw the piece of paper away.
  • Middle Childhood: Sleep Progression

    In Middle Childhood I slept 9 hours.
  • Middle Childhood: Physical Development

    I tuned my gross motor skills by playing baseball (throwing, running, hitting the ball). I tuned my fine motor skills by taken art classes and learning to paint.
  • Death of Stepmother

    My Stepmother died in a car accident on her way home from work.
  • IQ

    Knowing my IQ was definitely a positive influence on my mood. It gave me a good bit of self confidence in terms of academia. My IQ placed me in gifted programs and made it easier for me in school. It also gave me the confidence to branch out in academia and ask questions, propose solutions, and think about things I previously wouldn't have.
  • Period: to

    Adolescent: Cognitive Development (Formal Operational)

    These years I spend thinking about how people interact with one another. I often spend my time debating the morality of complex situations.
  • Adolescents: Physical Development

    When I was about 12 I hit puberty. I started to become more interested in girls romantically. I also started to lose weight, gain muscle, and grow. Of course I experienced other common physical changes that the average male experiences.
  • Adolescents: Physical Development

    I tuned my gross motor skills through training martial arts and my fine motor skills through learning to play the piano.
  • Dad Remarried (again)

    Dad Remarried (again)
    Although this marriage was not good I did gain a step-brother (Hayden) whom i'm very close with and thankful for. He helped shape who I am today and I cannot thank him enough.
  • I Started Martial Arts

    I Started Martial Arts
    Martial Arts soon became a passion of mine and a way to deal with the stresses as life as well as keep me healthy. I gained discipline, and confidence through martial arts. I've been doing it for about 6 years now and plan to continue it the rest of my life.
  • Adolescents: Sleep Progression

    As an Adolescents I slept 8-10 hours.
  • Adolescents: Cognitive/Emotional Development (Stress)

    First, let out my stress physically (through walking, kicking a ball, martial arts, etc). Then thought about it reflectively.
  • Dad Divorced

    This was very hard for my dad and he is still struggling with it. But this brought us closer together and taught us both a lesson.
  • Early Adulthood: Language Development

    In high school my friends and I had many words which only we understood. For example: "Rawr or Rawring" meant someone was angry or upset. "Yeah hey" meant cool but in a sarcastic way. "Grandma cooked the kids" meant something crazy happened.
    The peak of this coded language was 2018.
  • Early Adulthood: Cognitive/Emotional Development (Stress)

    First, let out my stress physically (through walking, kicking a ball, martial arts, etc). Then thought about it reflectively. Then depending on the scenario, address the issue.
  • Prom!

    This was a really fun night for me because everyone of the seniors at prom put away their problems with one another for one night and we all got to have fun and dance and sing. I got to see most of my friends, overall it was just a wonderful night!
  • Graduated High-school

    Graduated High-school
  • Early Adulthood: Physical Development

    Early Adulthood: Physical Development
    I am tuning my gross motor skills through martial arts and tennis. And my fine motor skills through piano.
  • Early Adulthood: Social Development

    I would say that I currently identify with identity achievement. As about a year ago I went through a few month long crisis where I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, who I cared for, who cared for me, etc... But now all of those things (career especially) are very clear to me.
  • Early Adulthood: Sleep Progression

    In Early Adulthood I sleep 8 hours with an hour long nap in the middle of the day (nap is 2-3 times a week).
  • Where I Am Currently

    This is the present