Timeline Project

  • The Day i moved to Brewster

    I was born and spent the majority of my childhood in the Bronx, moving from there to here was a significant change.
  • My first day of school in a new town

    Not knowing anyone, the first day was terrifying, however the kids were more accepting then i would've though and i instantly loved school
  • my first time surfing

    surfing has been a passion of mine since i tried it for the first time. there is no feeling compared to the relaxation and excitement of just riding with the current
  • My first night out

    yes believe it or not my mother did not allow me to sleep over anyone's house until the ripe age of 13 years old, I ended up getting too excited and fell asleep at 9:30, what a night to remember
  • My First Job

    WORST JOB EVER, despite kellys amazing reputation, horrible place to work
  • getting fired from my first job

    As i said,horrible place to work...after two months of getting every one of my shifts covered (shout out to Mr. Honey's daughter) they stopped putting me on the schedule. Im not even mad
  • failing my permit test

    yeah im that kid, i guess they really meant it when they said I should study. Learned That lesson the hard way when i had the most disappointing birthday of my life
  • Getting my license

  • Going to LBI

    The ocean is my second home and im not joking when i say i would spend atleast 6 hours a day in the water
  • First day of senior year

    Most positive start to school i've had yet, i was more than excited to start the first day of a good school year