Timeline Project

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on November 6, 2003 at 10:12 at night. I am the first of three children born in the family. Obviously I do not remember anything from my birth, but when my parents took me home from the hospital they said they sat by the fireplace with me and it began a new chapter in our lives.
  • Births of my brother and sister

    I was not at the hospital with my mom and dad that day, but on April 15, 2006 my brother and sister were born. I was only two years old, and my parents tell me I was happy about the excitement in the house now that my twin siblings were there to join our family.
  • Last Day at Garden Street School

    Last Day at Garden Street School
    The last day at Garden Street School is something I will never forget. My class was the last group to finish K-3 before the school closed, so I was fortunate to go there all four years. On the last day when we left I remember the teachers all waving goodbye to the students and the buses were all honking their horns. Garden Street School was a big part of my childhood and will always be a special place to me.
  • First Time at Yankee Stadium

    First Time at Yankee Stadium
    My first Yankee game was an amazing experience and one I will never forget. Since it was my first time there, we visited the museum and some historic Yankee memorabilia. Although they ended up losing the game that night, it was what led me to going to more games and become an avid Yankee fan.
  • First Bike Ride on Boardwalk

    First Bike Ride on Boardwalk
    My parents bought me a red bike to take on vacation in the summer of 2012. We went to Point Pleasant, New Jersey to spend time at the beach. Every morning my dad and I went on the boardwalk for a bike ride. We would bike down to the end of the boardwalk and back, and then go for breakfast. That vacation was one of the great ones in my childhood.
  • Arizona Trip

    Arizona Trip
    My trip to Arizona was my first time traveling on an airplane. I remember the plane taking off and thinking it was the coolest thing. Although it was over 100 degrees every day, it was exciting to see a different part of the country.
  • Cooperstown Tournament

    Cooperstown Tournament
    This week will go down as one of the best weeks of my life. My baseball team traveled to Cooperstown, NY to play in one of the best baseball tournaments in the Unites States at the All Star Village. Although we went 1-6, we had the best time playing baseball, swimming, laughing, and going to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
  • 8th Grade Trip to Washington DC

    8th Grade Trip to Washington DC
    My 8th grade class traveled to Washington DC. This was my first time away from home without my parents. My friends and I had many good times along the way. We visited the historic monuments and memorials in DC.
  • Outer Banks Kite Flying

    Outer Banks Kite Flying
    The Outer Banks is my one of my favorite vacation destinations. An event I really enjoyed was kite flying up high in the sand dunes at Jockey's Ridge State Park. We were up so high in the dunes you could see the bay on one side and the ocean on the other. The wind at that location quickly sent the kite up into the sky. This is a place I enjoy going when visiting OBX.
  • Baseball at Brewster High School

    Baseball at Brewster High School
    This was a big accomplishment of mine to play baseball for my high school. I tried out but got cut from the team in 7th, 8th and 9th grades. I was determined though, and knew that I had to keep my head up. In fall of 2018 I started playing for my current club team where I met my coach. He helped me gain skills that led me to making the Brewster High School team in 10th grade. We had a great season that spring, and I enjoyed playing with my friends and representing my high school.