Timeline Project

  • Prenatal

    Stressful pregnancy, mother is 35
  • Period: to


  • Birth

  • Period: to

    First two years

    Stressful home environment, frequent ear infections, acid reflux. The "baby" of the family. Close with my much older sisters, mother is the only disciplinarian. Father wants to be a "candyland dad". I do not spend much time with kids my own age.
  • Period: to

    Play years

    Overly attached to my mother. Father is often emotionally distant. A little bit more difficulty than is normal with peers.
  • Weaning

    No longer breastfed, potty trained
  • Period: to

    School Years

    Many friends have moved away. Sometimes bullied.
  • Parents Divorce

    My parents divorce. The home situation continues to be stressful. Social stigma associated with divorce.
  • Moving

    At age 12, my mom is sick of taking care of me, so she throws me out of the house- literally. I move 45 minutes away to life with my dad.
  • Period: to

    Rough Spot

    My dad is emotionally distant, my mom and I continue to have problems, and I have no support in my new environment. The medications I am taking to help me cope with my parents problems make it nearly impossible to stay awake. My grades continue to decline, but no action is taken by the school or my family to stop the slide. Start smoking/drinking, suicide attempt, drop out 1/2 way thru 10th grade at age 16.
  • Period: to

    Da U.P.

    I move to the U.P. to live with my aunt and her husband. homeschool, and have a job for the first time. I move out after my uncle starts drinking again, has an affair (baby), and my aunt divorces him. One of my sisters promised to let me live with her, but changed her mind when I got back down state. I was terrified of living with my abusive parents.
  • Period: to

    Rougher Spot

  • Anna Born

  • Break-up

    Anna's dad still won't stop doing heroin or treating us badly, so I kick him out.
  • College

    I start attending college
  • Moving.

    Two weeks ago, my dad announced the move that he had been planning for three months- and the fact that we wouldn' be able to live with him. I moved into my deceased grandmother's house while the family was getting it ready to sell. I transferred schools at this time as well
  • Graduation

    I sure hope I'll have my degree by this point!
  • Anna's High School Graduation

    Anna will probably be graduating this year, and as long as she is working hard it's up to her at this point as to whether she wants to move out or not.
  • Retirement

    I hope to reitre by this point.
  • Death

    I have the genes for a long life. Most of my relatives have lived longer than average lives, despite cancers and various other deadly illnesses. Cheers, to living well, if not long!