
Timeline on Me... Caroline Raines :)

  • I hope to...

    I hope to gain the knowledge I need to know with how to communicate with my future students in speaking ways and also in the ways of technology too. I want to know how to use the technology better than what I already know and can do, so I can help my future students with their projects they may have but to also show them that learning is fun and that there are different ways that they can learn from the information that I am giving to them.
  • Who I am....

    I am Caroline Raines and I go a Senior at our lovely school. I am from a small town called Whitmire close to here. I am close to my family and also my friends. I have 4 cats and dog at my home and I have a kitten in my apartment now, while my roommate has a dog. I have been going to college for 4 years now and hopefully after this semester I will be starting in the Education program here!
  • Likes and Dislikes....

    Likes and Dislikes....
    My likes are football, being around my family and friends, for it to be cold, and I love chocolate lol. I have a big sweet tooth so, chocolate is my favorite lol. I love all animals, but cats are close to my heart.
    My dislikes are red meat, I am not a big meat eater but I do eat chicken and some pork. I also don't like scary movies, I have bad dreams about them and they scare me for a while.
  • My Major and Why....

    My major is Early Childhood Education. I choose to go into teaching the younger children in school because that is an early start to get them to love coming to school and I want them to have a good influence on school at a early age and for them not to hate school. I also chosed to be a teacher when I was in middle school and job shadowed kindergarten teacher and I fell in love with it. It is a beautiful thing to be a teacher and help young minds grow.